


Debian Server als Net-SNMP (snmptrapd) Trap Receiver

Dieser Artikel soll die Herangehensweise an die Analyse eines Problems beleuchten. Wer auf dem Switch sehr versiert ist, findet es vielleicht schneller ohne die Traps anzugucken - aber die Idee ist ja dass man über die Traps auf das Thema aufmerksam wird. Es wird außerdem beschrieben wie man mit Net-SNMP und den Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise 3rd Party MIBs arbeiten kann.

Benötigte Pakete:

  • snmp-mibs-downloader (da keine MIBs bei Debian mehr mitgeliefert werden)
  • snmptrapd (installiert die notwendigen Abhängigkeiten)
  • unzip

Der snmptrapd ist im Prinzip schnell eingerichtet, aber dann sieht man solche wenig hilfreiche Information im /var/log/syslog:

Aug 21 06:25:10 debian snmptrapd[25987]: 2016-08-21 06:25:10 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: []:34242->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011iso. Enterprise Specific Trap (1) Uptime: 11:13:23.73#012#011iso. = Gauge32: 3953313#011iso. = INTEGER: 125#011iso. = Gauge32: 87#011iso. = Gauge32: 4040254
Aug 21 06:25:15 debian snmptrapd[25987]: 2016-08-21 06:25:15 UDP: []:672->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011iso.0.8802. Enterprise Specific Trap (1) Uptime: 5 days, 18:37:54.00#012#011iso.0.8802. = Counter32: 44#011iso.0.8802. = Counter32: 31#011iso.0.8802. = Counter32: 0#011iso.0.8802. = Counter32: 31
Aug 21 06:25:16 debian snmptrapd[25987]: 2016-08-21 06:25:16 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: []:34905->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011iso. Enterprise Specific Trap (1) Uptime: 11:13:29.71#012#011iso. = Gauge32: 3953312#011iso. = INTEGER: 43#011iso. = Gauge32: 88#011iso. = Gauge32: 4040950
Aug 21 06:25:16 debian snmptrapd[25987]: 2016-08-21 06:25:16 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: []:38692->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011iso. Enterprise Specific Trap (1) Uptime: 11:13:29.72#012#011iso. = Gauge32: 3953313#011iso. = INTEGER: 125#011iso. = Gauge32: 88#011iso. = Gauge32: 4040951
Aug 21 06:25:28 debian snmptrapd[25987]: 2016-08-21 06:25:28 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: []:39199->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011iso. Enterprise Specific Trap (1) Uptime: 11:13:41.72#012#011iso. = Gauge32: 3953312#011iso. = INTEGER: 43#011iso. = Gauge32: 89#011iso. = Gauge32: 4041950

Einrichtung von snmptrapd

Was uns fehlt sind die MIBs um dieses Thema besser darzustellen. Da sich die MIBs für AOS Release 6 und Release 7/8 bei Werkzeugen wie Net-SNMP, CA Spectrum oder WhatsUP Gold nicht ohne weiteres nebeneinander einsetzen lassen (diese Programme unterstützen keine MIB-Sets), gibt es für AOS Release 7/8 die sogenannten „3rd Party NMS MIBs“.

Benötigte MIB Pakete:

Im Zweifel gilt als offizielle Quelle das Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise BusinessPortal. Dies ist nur ein Komfortdownload … ;)

Ich gehe davon aus dass der Benutzer user ein Verzeichnis MIB in seinem Heimatverzeichnis erstellt und die MIBs daran in separate Verzeichnisse entpackt (unzip -d DIR

Das Ergebnis nach dem entpacken der MIBs soll so aussehen:

user@debian:/home/user/MIB# ls -l
total 28
drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 16384 Aug 21 23:46 671R02
drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 12288 Aug 21 23:46 821R013rdparty

Im nächsten Schritt müssen wir festlegen dass snmptrapd diese Verzeichnisse auch lädt:

# This file controls the activity of snmptrapd
# snmptrapd control (yes means start daemon).  As of net-snmp version
# 5.0, master agentx support must be enabled in snmpd before snmptrapd
# can be run.  See snmpd.conf(5) for how to do this.
# snmptrapd options (use syslog).
#TRAPDOPTS='-Lsd -p /run/'
TRAPDOPTS='-m ALL -M /home/user/MIB/671R02:/home/user/MIB/821R013rdparty:/usr/share/mibs/ -Lsd -p /run/'
Aug 22 12:53:06 debian snmptrapd[10997]: 2016-08-22 12:53:06 NET-SNMP version Stopped.
Aug 22 12:53:06 debian snmptrapd[10997]: Stopping snmptrapd
Aug 22 12:53:07 debian snmptrapd[12348]: Stopping SNMP trap services::  snmptrapd
Aug 22 12:53:07 debian snmptrapd[12356]: NET-SNMP version
Aug 22 12:53:07 debian snmptrapd[12353]: Starting SNMP trap services::  snmptrapd
Aug 22 12:53:13 debian snmptrapd[12356]: 2016-08-22 12:53:13 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: Aug 22 12:53:13 debian snmptrapd[12356]: 2016-08-22 12:53:13 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: []:34435->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011LLDP-MIB::lldpNotifications Enterprise Specific Trap (1) Uptime: 1 day, 0:03:13.19#012#011LLDP-MIB::lldpStatsRemTablesInserts.2.0 = Counter32: 18 table entries#011LLDP-MIB::lldpStatsRemTablesDeletes.3.0 = Counter32: 3 table entries#011LLDP-MIB::lldpStatsRemTablesDrops.4.0 = Counter32: 0 table entries#011LLDP-MIB::lldpStatsRemTablesAgeouts.5.0 = Counter32: 3
Aug 22 12:53:13 debian snmptrapd[12356]: 2016-08-22 12:53:13 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: []:37571->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011LLDP-V2-MIB::lldpV2Notifications Enterprise Specific Trap (1) Uptime: 1 day, 0:03:13.20#012#011LLDP-V2-MIB::lldpV2StatsRemTablesInserts.2.0 = Counter32: 18 table entries#011LLDP-V2-MIB::lldpV2StatsRemTablesDeletes.3.0 = Counter32: 3 table entries#011LLDP-V2-MIB::lldpV2StatsRemTablesDrops.4.0 = Counter32: 0 table entries#011LLDP-V2-MIB::lldpV2StatsRemTablesAgeouts.5.0 = Counter32: 3 table entries
Aug 22 12:53:30 debian snmptrapd[12356]: 2016-08-22 12:53:30 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: []:37149->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::alcatelENT1TrapMgrMIB Enterprise Specific Trap (ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorptionTrap) Uptime: 1 day, 0:03:30.07#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorStamp.1.0 = Gauge32: 8659319#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTrapId.2.0 = INTEGER: 43#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorCounter.3.0 = Gauge32: 1#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTime.4.0 = Gauge32: 8659919
Aug 22 12:53:30 debian snmptrapd[12356]: 2016-08-22 12:53:30 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: []:36501->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::alcatelENT1TrapMgrMIB Enterprise Specific Trap (ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorptionTrap) Uptime: 1 day, 0:03:30.08#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorStamp.1.0 = Gauge32: 8659320#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTrapId.2.0 = INTEGER: 125#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorCounter.3.0 = Gauge32: 1#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTime.4.0 = Gauge32: 8659920
Aug 22 12:57:43 debian snmptrapd[12356]: 2016-08-22 12:57:43 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: []:34611->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011LLDP-MIB::lldpNotifications Enterprise Specific Trap (1) Uptime: 1 day, 0:07:43.32#012#011LLDP-MIB::lldpStatsRemTablesInserts.2.0 = Counter32: 18 table entries#011LLDP-MIB::lldpStatsRemTablesDeletes.3.0 = Counter32: 3 table entries#011LLDP-MIB::lldpStatsRemTablesDrops.4.0 = Counter32: 0 table entries#011LLDP-MIB::lldpStatsRemTablesAgeouts.5.0 = Counter32: 3
Aug 22 12:57:43 debian snmptrapd[12356]: 2016-08-22 12:57:43 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: []:37757->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011LLDP-V2-MIB::lldpV2Notifications Enterprise Specific Trap (1) Uptime: 1 day, 0:07:43.33#012#011LLDP-V2-MIB::lldpV2StatsRemTablesInserts.2.0 = Counter32: 18 table entries#011LLDP-V2-MIB::lldpV2StatsRemTablesDeletes.3.0 = Counter32: 3 table entries#011LLDP-V2-MIB::lldpV2StatsRemTablesDrops.4.0 = Counter32: 0 table entries#011LLDP-V2-MIB::lldpV2StatsRemTablesAgeouts.5.0 = Counter32: 3 table entries
Aug 22 12:57:45 debian snmptrapd[12356]: 2016-08-22 12:57:45 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: []:38586->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::alcatelENT1TrapMgrMIB Enterprise Specific Trap (ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorptionTrap) Uptime: 1 day, 0:07:45.20#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorStamp.1.0 = Gauge32: 8662594#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTrapId.2.0 = INTEGER: 4#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorCounter.3.0 = Gauge32: 205#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTime.4.0 = Gauge32: 8686467
Aug 22 12:57:51 debian snmptrapd[12356]: 2016-08-22 12:57:51 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: []:37866->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::alcatelENT1TrapMgrMIB Enterprise Specific Trap (ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorptionTrap) Uptime: 1 day, 0:07:51.20#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorStamp.1.0 = Gauge32: 8662594#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTrapId.2.0 = INTEGER: 4#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorCounter.3.0 = Gauge32: 207#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTime.4.0 = Gauge32: 8686967
Aug 22 12:57:57 debian snmptrapd[12356]: 2016-08-22 12:57:57 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: []:39765->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::alcatelENT1TrapMgrMIB Enterprise Specific Trap (ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorptionTrap) Uptime: 1 day, 0:07:57.20#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorStamp.1.0 = Gauge32: 8662594#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTrapId.2.0 = INTEGER: 4#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorCounter.3.0 = Gauge32: 209#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTime.4.0 = Gauge32: 8687467
Aug 22 12:58:00 debian snmptrapd[12356]: 2016-08-22 12:58:00 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: []:38655->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::alcatelENT1TrapMgrMIB Enterprise Specific Trap (ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorptionTrap) Uptime: 1 day, 0:08:00.21#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorStamp.1.0 = Gauge32: 8662594#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTrapId.2.0 = INTEGER: 4#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorCounter.3.0 = Gauge32: 211#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTime.4.0 = Gauge32: 8687967
Aug 22 12:58:00 debian snmptrapd[12356]: 2016-08-22 12:58:00 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: []:39615->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::alcatelENT1TrapMgrMIB Enterprise Specific Trap (ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorptionTrap) Uptime: 1 day, 0:08:00.22#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorStamp.1.0 = Gauge32: 8686332#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTrapId.2.0 = INTEGER: 43#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorCounter.3.0 = Gauge32: 1#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTime.4.0 = Gauge32: 8686932
Aug 22 12:58:00 debian snmptrapd[12356]: 2016-08-22 12:58:00 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: []:37261->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::alcatelENT1TrapMgrMIB Enterprise Specific Trap (ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorptionTrap) Uptime: 1 day, 0:08:00.23#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorStamp.1.0 = Gauge32: 8686333#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTrapId.2.0 = INTEGER: 125#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorCounter.3.0 = Gauge32: 1#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTime.4.0 = Gauge32: 8686933
Aug 22 12:58:06 debian snmptrapd[12356]: 2016-08-22 12:58:06 UDP: []:672->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011LLDP-MIB::lldpNotifications Enterprise Specific Trap (1) Uptime: 7 days, 1:07:24.00#012#011LLDP-MIB::lldpStatsRemTablesInserts = Counter32: 44 table entries#011LLDP-MIB::lldpStatsRemTablesDeletes = Counter32: 31 table entries#011LLDP-MIB::lldpStatsRemTablesDrops = Counter32: 0 table entries#011LLDP-MIB::lldpStatsRemTablesAgeouts = Counter32: 31
Aug 22 12:58:06 debian snmptrapd[12356]: 2016-08-22 12:58:06 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: []:33018->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::alcatelENT1TrapMgrMIB Enterprise Specific Trap (ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorptionTrap) Uptime: 1 day, 0:08:06.21#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorStamp.1.0 = Gauge32: 8662594#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTrapId.2.0 = INTEGER: 4#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorCounter.3.0 = Gauge32: 213#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTime.4.0 = Gauge32: 8688467
Aug 22 12:58:12 debian snmptrapd[12356]: 2016-08-22 12:58:12 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: []:35237->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::alcatelENT1TrapMgrMIB Enterprise Specific Trap (ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorptionTrap) Uptime: 1 day, 0:08:12.21#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorStamp.1.0 = Gauge32: 8662594#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTrapId.2.0 = INTEGER: 4#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorCounter.3.0 = Gauge32: 215#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTime.4.0 = Gauge32: 8688967
Aug 22 12:58:13 debian snmptrapd[12356]: 2016-08-22 12:58:13 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: []:35175->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011LLDP-MIB::lldpNotifications Enterprise Specific Trap (1) Uptime: 1 day, 0:08:13.34#012#011LLDP-MIB::lldpStatsRemTablesInserts.2.0 = Counter32: 18 table entries#011LLDP-MIB::lldpStatsRemTablesDeletes.3.0 = Counter32: 3 table entries#011LLDP-MIB::lldpStatsRemTablesDrops.4.0 = Counter32: 0 table entries#011LLDP-MIB::lldpStatsRemTablesAgeouts.5.0 = Counter32: 3
Aug 22 12:58:13 debian snmptrapd[12356]: 2016-08-22 12:58:13 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: []:38067->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011LLDP-V2-MIB::lldpV2Notifications Enterprise Specific Trap (1) Uptime: 1 day, 0:08:13.35#012#011LLDP-V2-MIB::lldpV2StatsRemTablesInserts.2.0 = Counter32: 18 table entries#011LLDP-V2-MIB::lldpV2StatsRemTablesDeletes.3.0 = Counter32: 3 table entries#011LLDP-V2-MIB::lldpV2StatsRemTablesDrops.4.0 = Counter32: 0 table entries#011LLDP-V2-MIB::lldpV2StatsRemTablesAgeouts.5.0 = Counter32: 3 table entries
Aug 22 12:58:15 debian snmptrapd[12356]: 2016-08-22 12:58:15 gw230.alu4u.local [] (via UDP: []:35087->[]:162) TRAP, SNMP v1, community datenkrake#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::alcatelENT1TrapMgrMIB Enterprise Specific Trap (ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorptionTrap) Uptime: 1 day, 0:08:15.21#012#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorStamp.1.0 = Gauge32: 8662594#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTrapId.2.0 = INTEGER: 4#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorCounter.3.0 = Gauge32: 217#011ALCATEL-ENT1-TRAP-MGR-MIB::trapAbsorTime.4.0 = Gauge32: 8689468

Wir wissen nun also folgendes:

  • Wir erhalten reihenweise TrapAbsorption-Traps für Trap #4, #43 und #125
OS6860E-> show snmp-trap config | egrep "4|43|125"
 4 authenticationFailure                snmp            15 seconds <<<<<--------
14 healthMonPortTrap                    health          15 seconds
24 stpNewRoot                           stp             15 seconds
34 lnkaggAggUp                          linkaggregation 15 seconds
40 alaVrrp3TrapProtoError               vrrp            15 seconds
41 alaVrrp3TrapNewMaster                vrrp            15 seconds
42 chassisTrapsPossibleDuplicateMac     chassis         15 seconds
43 lldpRemTablesChange                  aip             15 seconds <<<<<--------
44 pimNeighborLoss                      ipmr            15 seconds
45 pimInvalidRegister                   ipmr            15 seconds
46 pimInvalidJoinPrune                  ipmr            15 seconds
47 pimRPMappingChange                   ipmr            15 seconds
48 pimInterfaceElection                 ipmr            15 seconds
49 pimBsrElectedBSRLostElection         ipmr            15 seconds
54 gvrpVlanLimitReachedEvent            bridge          15 seconds
64 alaErpRingRemoved                    bridge          15 seconds
74 multiChassisMisconfigurationFailure  mcm             15 seconds
84 alaDHLVlanMoveTrap                   vlan            15 seconds
94 vRtrIsisOwnLSPPurge                  isis            15 seconds
104 vRtrIsisAdjacencyChange             isis            15 seconds
114 multiChassisTypeConsisFailure       mcm             15 seconds
124 virtualChassisVflMemberPortJoinFail vcm             15 seconds
125 lldpV2RemTablesChange               aip             15 seconds <<<<<--------
134 smgrServiceError                    svcmgr          15 seconds
140 smgrSdpBindError                    svcmgr          15 seconds
141 smgrSdpBindHwError                  svcmgr          15 seconds
142 smgrGeneralError                    svcmgr          15 seconds
143 smgrStatusChange                    svcmgr          15 seconds
144 portViolationNotificationTrap       interface       15 seconds
145 multiChassisConsisFailureRecovered  mcm             15 seconds
146 alaSaaPacketLossTrap                system          15 seconds
147 alaSaaJitterThresholdYellowTrap     system          15 seconds
148 alaSaaRTTThresholdYellowTrap        system          15 seconds
149 alaSaaJitterThresholdRedTrap        system          15 seconds
154 appFPSignatureMatchTrap             appfp           15 seconds
164 alaDyingGaspTrap                    interface       15 seconds
174 chasTrapsBPSStateChange             chassis         15 seconds
184 alaAppMonFlowRecordFileCreated      app-mon         15 seconds
194 alaDistArpNiThreshold               ip              15 seconds
204 alaSTPLoopGuardRecovery             stp             15 seconds

Die Herausforderung liegt nun auf Port 1/1/17 und 1/1/22.

OS6860E-> show lldp statistics 
  Chas/     LLDPDU      LLDPDU      LLDPDU     LLDPDU     LLDPDU      TLV       TLV       Device
 Slot/Port    Tx        TxLenErr      Rx       Errors    Discards    Unknown   Discards   Ageouts
  1/1/1     1838       0          0          0          0          0          0          0         
  1/1/2     1839       0          0          0          0          0          0          0         
  1/1/7     1838       0          0          0          0          0          0          0         
  1/1/8     1838       0          0          0          0          0          0          0         
  1/1/9     1838       0          0          0          0          0          0          0         
  1/1/10    1838       0          0          0          0          0          0          0         
  1/1/11    1838       0          0          0          0          0          0          0         
  1/1/12    1838       0          0          0          0          0          0          0         
  1/1/13    1838       0          0          0          0          0          0          0         
  1/1/14    1841       0          3057       0          0          0          0          0         
  1/1/15    1837       0          3059       0          0          0          0          0         
  1/1/16    1841       0          3057       0          0          0          0          0         
  1/1/17    1841       0          3052       0          0          6104       6104       0         
  1/1/18    1838       0          0          0          0          0          0          0         
  1/1/19    1839       0          3057       0          0          0          0          0         
  1/1/20    1838       0          0          0          0          0          0          0         
  1/1/21    1838       0          0          0          0          0          0          0         
  1/1/22    1841       0          3052       0          0          6104       6104       0         
  1/1/23    1838       0          3057       0          0          0          0          0         
  1/1/24    1846       0          106        0          0          0          0          3         
  1/1/26    1838       0          3059       0          0          0          0          0         
  1/1/28    1841       0          3058       0          0          0          0          0     

Diese Geräte senden nun wohl LLDP-Pakete die der OmniSwitch zum Teil nicht verarbeiten will. Es gilt nun (separat) diese Pakete mal zu sammeln und zu schauen was da nicht stimmt.

OS6860E-> show lldp remote-system 

Remote LLDP nearest-bridge Agents on Local Port 1/1/17:

    Chassis d8:c7:c8:c9:b2:26, Port d8:c7:c8:c9:b2:26:
      Remote ID                   = 16,
      Chassis Subtype             = 4 (MAC Address),
      Port Subtype                = 3 (MAC address),
      Port Description            = bond0,
      System Name                 = iap_ov3600,
      System Description          = AOS-W (MODEL: OAW-AP105), Version (50989),
      Capabilities Supported      = Bridge WLAN AP,
      Capabilities Enabled        = WLAN AP,
      Management IP Address       =,
      Remote port MAC/PHY AutoNeg = Supported Enabled Capability 0x6c03,
      Mau Type                    = 1000BaseTFD - Four-pair Category 5 UTP full duplex mode


Remote LLDP nearest-bridge Agents on Local Port 1/1/22:

    Chassis 00:1a:1e:01:05:58, Port GE0/0/0:
      Remote ID                   = 15,
      Chassis Subtype             = 4 (MAC Address),
      Port Subtype                = 5 (Interface name),
      Port Description            = GE0/0/0,
      System Name                 = OAW4550,
      System Description          = Model:OAW-4550
AOS-W Version (build 55980 / label #55980) 
Built by p4build@lemnos on 2016-08-04 at 15:49:04 PDT (gcc version 4.4.5)
All Rights Reserved (c) 2005-2016, Alcatel-Lucent.,
      Capabilities Supported      = Bridge Router,
      Capabilities Enabled        = Bridge Router,
      Management IP Address       =,
      Remote port default vlan    = 20,
      Vlan ID                     = 20,
      Vlan Name                   = VLAN 20,
      Remote port MAC/PHY AutoNeg = Supported Enabled Capability 0x6c01,
      Mau Type                    = 1000BaseTFD - Four-pair Category 5 UTP full duplex mode


Es gibt unterschiedliche Wege dieses Thema nun zu adressieren. Der einfachste ist natürlich den Trap einfach zu deaktivieren oder den Empfang von LLDP auf den entsprechenden Ports auszuschalten. Ich werde diesen Artikel aktualisieren sobald ich eine Antwort vom Technical Support zu diesem Thema habe.

Für den Einsatz in einem produktiven Netzwerk empfehlen wir natürlich SNMPv3!

Prüfung der SNMP-Konfiguration mit snmptranslate

Wer neben SNMP-Traps empfangen mit dem System auch snmpwalk, snmpget o.ä machen möchte, sollte die MIBs auch dafür aktivieren:

user@debian:~$ sudo vi /etc/snmp/snmp.conf
# As the snmp packages come without MIB files due to license reasons, loading
# of MIBs is disabled by default. If you added the MIBs you can reenable
# loading them by commenting out the following line.
# Wer auch die Standardmibs haben moechte, setzt ein + vor das Verzeichnis in der folgenden Zeile 
mibdirs /home/user/MIB/671R02
mibdirs +/home/user/MIB/821R013rdparty
# Hier sind die MIBs standardsmaessig, braucht man aber nicht setzen wenn man oben ein + einbaut
#mibdirs +/usr/share/mibs
mibs +ALL
user@debian:~$ snmptranslate -Tp > ALE-merged-671-821-tree.txt
MIB search path: /home/user/MIB/671R02:/home/user/MIB/821R013rdparty
Cannot find module (UCD-DLMOD-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot find module (MTA-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot find module (NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot find module (UCD-DISKIO-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot find module (LM-SENSORS-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot find module (HOST-RESOURCES-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot find module (HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot find module (NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot find module (DISMAN-EVENT-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot find module (DISMAN-SCHEDULE-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot find module (UCD-SNMP-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot find module (UCD-DEMO-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot find module (NET-SNMP-AGENT-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot find module (NET-SNMP-PASS-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot find module (NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot find module (SNMPv2-TM): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot find module (NET-SNMP-VACM-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
      |     |     |                 +-- -RW- INTEGER   sapCircUpdate(5)
      |     |     |                 +-- -RW- INTEGER   sapCircAgeMultiplier(6)
      |     |     |                 +-- -RW- INTEGER   sapCircPacketSize(7)
      |     |     |                 +-- -RW- EnumVal   sapCircGetNearestServerReply(8)
      |     |     |                 |        Values: no(1), yes(2)
      |     |     |                 +-- -R-- Counter   sapCircOutPackets(9)
      |     |     |                 +-- -R-- Counter   sapCircInPackets(10)
      |     |     |
      |     |     +--alcatel(6486)
      |     |     |  +--alcatelIND1BaseMIB(800)
      |     |     |  |  +--alcatelIND1Management(1)
      |     |     |  |     +--managementIND1Hardware(1)
      |     |     |  |     |  +--hardwareIND1Entities(1)
      |     |     |  |     |  |  +--hardentIND1Physical(1)
      |     |     |  |     |  |  |  +--alcatelIND1ChassisPhysMIBObjects(1)
      |     |     |  |     |  |  |  |  |
      |     |     |  |     |  |  |  |  +--chasEntPhysicalTable(1)
      |     |     |  |     |  |  |  |     |
      |     |     |  |     |  |  |  |     +--chasEntPhysicalEntry(1)

### VIM :split ###

      |     |     |  |     |        |  +--alaLLDPTrapsDescRoot(0)
      |     |     |  |     |        |     |
      |     |     |  |     |        |     +--alaLldpTrustViolation(1)
      |     |     |  |     |        |
      |     |     |  |     |        +--alaLLDPTrapsObj(2)
      |     |     |  |     |
      |     |     |  |     +--managementIND1AgentCapabilities(4)
      |     |     |  |
      |     |     |  +--alcatelENT1BaseMIB(801)
      |     |     |     +--alcatelENT1Management(1)
      |     |     |        +--managementENT1Hardware(1)
      |     |     |        |  +--hardwareENT1Entities(1)
      |     |     |        |  |  +--hardentENT1Physical(1)
      |     |     |        |  |  |  +--alcatelIND1ChassisPhysMIBObjects(1)
      |     |     |        |  |  |  |  |
      |     |     |        |  |  |  |  +--chasEntPhysicalTable(1)
      |     |     |        |  |  |  |  |  |
      |     |     |        |  |  |  |  |  +--chasEntPhysicalEntry(1)

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debian-snmp-trapreceiver.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/06/09 10:29 von

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