


Abfrage von Statistiken zu App-Mon Regeln in AOS R8

"show active policy rule"

Normalerweise arbeiten wir mit diesem Befehl um Details zu Policy Regeln abzufragen z.B. Packets/Bytes die gematched haben. Im Fall von App-Mon Policies sind diese Werte aber nicht zu sehen, wie im folgenden Fall für die Applikation TeamViewer.

OS6860E-> show active policy rule 
Rule name                        : TeamViewer
  From                           = ldap,
  Precedence                     = 30001,
  Condition name                 = TeamViewerCondition,
  Action name                    = TeamViewerAction,
  Validity period name           = AllTheTime

Rule name                        : sip-snooping
  Condition name                 = sip-snooping,
  Action name                    = sip-snooping,
  Packets                        = 2230,
  Bytes                          = 1214292

"show app-mon app-list enforcement active" mit Hilfe von "egrep" (einfach)

Mit diesem Kommando können wir sehen welche Applikationen von Smart Analytics auf dem OmniSwitch 6860E erkannt wurden. Wir schränken die Ausgabe exemplarisch auf die Applikationen Yammer, Xing, und TeamViewer ein. Für Unternehmen bedeutet dies dass entsprechende Regeln für die HTTPS-basierten Applikationen durchgesetzt werden könnten (Bandbreite begrenzen, Priorität festlegen, DROP (für z.B. Dropbox)).

Ohne egrep bekommt man natürlich die vollständige Liste ausgegeben! egrep -i ignoriert die Groß- und Kleinschreibung und „|“ bedeutet oder.

OS6860E-> show app-mon app-list enforcement active | egrep -i "yammer|xing|web_de|teamviewer"
2581   web_de                                                                Web                               0               288             
516    xing                                                                  Web                               0               234             
519    yammer                                                                Web                               3               189             
545    teamviewer                                                            Thin Client                       0               13              

"show app-mon app-list enforcement active" mit "awk" eingrenzen (einfach)

Mit folgendem Kommando ist es möglich sich die umfangreiche Liste von Applikationen auf die Ausgaben zu reduzieren die als Applikation im Netzwerk auch wirklich erkannt wurden.

OS6860E-> show app-mon app-list enforcement active | awk '{if (NF >= 2) if ($(NF-1) > 0 || $(NF) > 0) {print $0};}'
Legend: Application-name: *= Not present in recently updated kit,
App-Id Application                                                           App-Grp                          Matched         Matched
       Name                                                                  Name                             Flow Count      Gross Count
742    msrpc                                                                 Middleware                        0               161             
191    soap                                                                  Middleware                        0               536             
97     krb5                                                                  Authentication                    60              10881           
158    radius                                                                Authentication                    0               38              
75     imap                                                                  Mail                              0               15              
76     imaps                                                                 Mail                              2               49              
110    mapi                                                                  Mail                              2               307             
186    smtp                                                                  Mail                              0               752             
208    tds                                                                   Database                          1               1               
1293   bmff                                                                  Audio/Video                       0               18              
530    itunes                                                                Audio/Video                       1               361             
174    rtcp                                                                  Audio/Video                       10              288             
175    rtp                                                                   Audio/Video                       11              1662            
182    sip                                                                   Audio/Video                       87              846             
534    spotify                                                               Audio/Video                       0               103             
597    viber                                                                 Audio/Video                       0               11              
1069   vimeo                                                                 Audio/Video                       0               26              
2444   vine                                                                  Audio/Video                       0               1               
1118   apns                                                                  Application Service               3               360             
1106   appstore                                                              Application Service               3               536             
37     epm                                                                   Application Service               1               988             
1122   google_play                                                           Application Service               4               361             
1126   icloud                                                                Application Service               1               1755            
1744   iminent                                                               Application Service               0               53              
1119   ios_ota_update                                                        Application Service               0               42              
136    nspi                                                                  Application Service               2               384             
149    portmap                                                               Application Service               5               8699            
1121   samsung_apps                                                          Application Service               0               100             
196    srvloc                                                                Application Service               0               78              
204    syslog                                                                Application Service               4               2080            
1111   windows_marketplace                                                   Application Service               0               13              
29     dhcp                                                                  Network Service                   6               4726            
32     dns                                                                   Network Service                   392             1033281         
128    nbns                                                                  Network Service                   3               263             
137    ntp                                                                   Network Service                   7               26782           
1504   websocket                                                             Network Service                   1               8               
2245   king                                                                  Game                              0               47              
2179   the_simpsons_tapped_out                                               Game                              0               12              
342    xboxlive                                                              Game                              0               88              
1257   58com                                                                 Web                               0               59              
956    accuweather                                                           Web                               0               15              
2231   addthis                                                               Web                               0               82              
2280   adobe                                                                 Web                               0               108             
1556   adobe_online_office                                                   Web                               0               39              
549    adobe_update                                                          Web                               0               106             
2529   adtech                                                                Web                               0               148             
2587   advertising_com                                                       Web                               0               3               
1284   akamai                                                                Web                               0               140             
968    amazon                                                                Web                               0               401             
2207   amazon_adsystem                                                       Web                               0               131             
1183   amazon_aws                                                            Web                               0               531             
1240   amazon_video                                                          Web                               0               106             
2209   aol                                                                   Web                               0               231             
2535   aol_one                                                               Web                               0               18              
306    apple                                                                 Web                               4               3672            
2518   apple_location                                                        Web                               1               1163            
1481   apple_siri                                                            Web                               0               37              
563    apple_update                                                          Web                               0               18              
2531   appnexus                                                              Web                               0               244             
2334   appsflyer                                                             Web                               0               7               
1755   avg                                                                   Web                               0               1               
714    avg_update                                                            Web                               0               2               
1512   bet365                                                                Web                               0               5               
2028   bild                                                                  Web                               0               73              
547    bing                                                                  Web                               0               356             
974    blogger                                                               Web                               0               28              
2322   brightcove                                                            Web                               0               15              
2449   cedexis                                                               Web                               0               47              
567    chrome_update                                                         Web                               0               30              
1445   cloudflare                                                            Web                               0               247             
988    cnn                                                                   Web                               0               54              
773    concur                                                                Web                               0               29              
2319   crashlytics                                                           Web                               0               337             
2279   criteo                                                                Web                               0               161             
2301   crittercism                                                           Web                               0               1               
779    dropbox                                                               Web                               0               108             
34     ebay                                                                  Web                               0               63              
2016   edgecast                                                              Web                               0               47              
1495   evernote                                                              Web                               0               2               
244    facebook                                                              Web                               0               854             
556    firefox_update                                                        Web                               0               57              
550    flashplugin_update                                                    Web                               0               24              
300    flickr                                                                Web                               0               11              
2519   flipboard                                                             Web                               0               9               
2300   flurry                                                                Web                               0               96              
2340   freewheel                                                             Web                               0               1               
1094   funshion                                                              Web                               0               1               
2483   gcs                                                                   Web                               0               1               
54     google                                                                Web                               13              3112            
2150   google_accounts                                                       Web                               0               65              
247    google_ads                                                            Web                               1               1178            
744    google_analytics                                                      Web                               0               214             
1104   google_appengine                                                      Web                               0               10              
800    google_cache                                                          Web                               0               210             
2502   google_calendar                                                       Web                               0               10              
1489   google_docs                                                           Web                               0               3               
55     google_earth                                                          Web                               0               22              
57     google_maps                                                           Web                               0               359             
1125   google_plus                                                           Web                               0               25              
2288   google_safebrowsing                                                   Web                               0               300             
801    google_translate                                                      Web                               0               12              
2336   gravatar                                                              Web                               0               9               
1001   groupon                                                               Web                               0               50              
745    gstatic                                                               Web                               1               395             
1451   here                                                                  Web                               0               20              
67     http                                                                  Web                               9               33064           
68     https                                                                 Web                               46              261298          
1483   imgur                                                                 Web                               0               2               
2525   indexexchange                                                         Web                               0               21              
2333   inmobi                                                                Web                               0               11              
2299   inneractive                                                           Web                               0               10              
1175   instagram                                                             Web                               0               44              
561    java_update                                                           Web                               0               12              
2348   liverail                                                              Web                               0               7               
2526   lotame                                                                Web                               0               6               
1454   lync_online                                                           Web                               1               1742            
1468   mapquest                                                              Web                               0               9               
2445   mixpanel                                                              Web                               0               27              
1019   monster                                                               Web                               0               10              
1020   mozilla                                                               Web                               0               177             
125    myspace                                                               Web                               0               1               
1030   nba                                                                   Web                               0               11              
2344   nielsen                                                               Web                               0               18              
461    ning                                                                  Web                               0               3               
1448   office365                                                             Web                               17              5520            
2416   onclickads                                                            Web                               0               5               
2523   openx                                                                 Web                               0               103             
578    opera_update                                                          Web                               0               26              
1753   orange                                                                Web                               0               4               
1478   outlook                                                               Web                               5               1742            
1747   paypal                                                                Web                               0               2               
1470   pinterest                                                             Web                               0               17              
1039   playstation                                                           Web                               0               121             
2524   pubmatic                                                              Web                               0               107             
1241   qq_web                                                                Web                               0               2               
2238   quantcast                                                             Web                               0               78              
1413   qunar                                                                 Web                               0               2               
2536   rlcdn                                                                 Web                               0               16              
922    rss                                                                   Web                               0               53              
1046   rtl                                                                   Web                               0               6               
2527   rubiconproject                                                        Web                               0               35              
844    salesforce                                                            Web                               0               198             
2303   samsung                                                               Web                               0               22              
2237   scorecardresearch                                                     Web                               0               92              
1453   sharepoint_online                                                     Web                               0               233             
1178   shazam                                                                Web                               0               2               
2530   sizmek                                                                Web                               0               37              
850    skydrive                                                              Web                               0               20              
1051   slideshare                                                            Web                               0               1               
2446   smartadserver                                                         Web                               0               94              
1469   spdy                                                                  Web                               0               102             
1465   speedtest                                                             Web                               0               36              
1052   spiegel                                                               Web                               0               169             
2350   stickyads                                                             Web                               0               46              
1056   surveymonkey                                                          Web                               0               4               
2250   symantec                                                              Web                               0               2               
1763   t_online                                                              Web                               0               316             
2558   thevideos                                                             Web                               0               10              
860    tidaltv                                                               Web                               0               9               
2277   truste                                                                Web                               0               24              
2236   turn                                                                  Web                               0               4               
2343   turner                                                                Web                               0               1               
503    twitter                                                               Web                               0               633             
2581   web_de                                                                Web                               0               295             
222    wikipedia                                                             Web                               0               14              
1288   windows_azure                                                         Web                               0               16              
562    windows_update                                                        Web                               0               448             
298    windowslive                                                           Web                               3               9229            
297    wordpress                                                             Web                               0               11              
516    xing                                                                  Web                               2               319             
1294   yahoo                                                                 Web                               0               107             
234    yahoo_search                                                          Web                               0               7               
519    yammer                                                                Web                               5               300             
523    yandex                                                                Web                               0               5               
240    youtube                                                               Web                               1               185             
2481   bjnp                                                                  Printer                           0               52397           
170    rsh                                                                   Terminal                          0               1               
209    telnet                                                                Terminal                          0               2               
190    snmp                                                                  Network Management                184             331480          
305    linkedin                                                              Forum                             0               435             
2215   tapatalk                                                              Forum                             0               2               
51     gmail                                                                 Webmail                           0               113             
1116   gmx                                                                   Webmail                           0               88              
141    owa                                                                   Webmail                           0               1               
236    ymail2                                                                Webmail                           0               10              
111    mcafee                                                                Security Service                  0               2               
45     ftp                                                                   File Server                       0               638             
46     ftp_data                                                              File Server                       0               22              
131    nfs                                                                   File Server                       2               473             
211    tftp                                                                  File Server                       0               1343            
545    teamviewer                                                            Thin Client                       0               13              
220    vmware                                                                Thin Client                       0               2               
85     ipsec                                                                 Encrypted                         2               6               
92     isakmp                                                                Encrypted                         1               4               
330    ocsp                                                                  Encrypted                         0               649             
198    ssh                                                                   Encrypted                         1               5283            
1913   bits                                                                  File Transfer                     0               75              
1912   imessage_file_download                                                File Transfer                     0               7               
4      unknown                                                               Standard                          60              38859           
275    aim_express                                                           Instant Messaging                 0               37              
281    aims                                                                  Instant Messaging                 0               10              
2331   facebook_messenger                                                    Instant Messaging                 0               10              
1441   gtalk                                                                 Instant Messaging                 2               73              
94     jabber                                                                Instant Messaging                 0               2               
183    skype                                                                 Instant Messaging                 0               209             
1568   touch                                                                 Instant Messaging                 0               6025            
1093   whatsapp                                                              Instant Messaging                 0               74              
Number of Applications: 2069

"show app-mon app-list enforcement active stats"

Erweitert man das vorherige Kommando um das Keyword stats so bekommt man die gesuchten Ausgaben zu Packets/Bytes dargestellt.

OS6860E-> show app-mon app-list enforcement active stats                                                                                               

Legend: Application-name: *= Not present in recently updated kit,

App-Id Application                                                           App-Grp                          Matched Active   Matched Active  Matched Gross  Matched Gross
       Name                                                                  Name                             Packet Count     Byte Count      Packet Count   Byte Count
9      amqp                                                                  Middleware                        0               0               0               0
26     dcerpc                                                                Middleware                        0               0               0               0
914    diop                                                                  Middleware                        0               0               0               0
49     giop                                                                  Middleware                        0               0               0               0
752    giops                                                                 Middleware                        0               0               0               0
913    iiop                                                                  Middleware                        0               0               0               0
2439   java_rmi                                                              Middleware                        0               0               0               0
... (Ausgabe eingeschränkt, sonst sehr viele Zeilen)
1093   whatsapp                                                              Instant Messaging                 0               0               11296           7236508
237    ymsg                                                                  Instant Messaging                 0               0               0               0
238    ymsg_conf                                                             Instant Messaging                 0               0               0               0
276    ymsg_webmessenger                                                     Instant Messaging                 0               0               0               0
874    yoono                                                                 Instant Messaging                 0               0               0               0
1297   youni                                                                 Instant Messaging                 0               0               0               0
2345   zalo                                                                  Instant Messaging                 0               0               0               0
883    zoho_im                                                               Instant Messaging                 0               0               0               0
Number of Applications: 2069

"show app-mon app-list enforcement active stats" Ausgabe mit Unterstützung von "awk" eingrenzen (einfach)

Für dieses Kommando werden ebenfalls sehr viele Zeilen für Applikationen ausgegeben die im Netzwerk zwar erkannt und behandelt werden könnten, aber derzeit nicht verwendet wurden. Mit awk kann die Ausgabe auf aktive/erkannte Applikationen reduziert werden.

OS6860E-> show app-mon app-list enforcement active stats | awk '{if (NF >= 4) if ($(NF-3) > 0 || $(NF-2) > 0 || $(NF-1) > 0 || $(NF) > 0) {print $0};}'
Legend: Application-name: *= Not present in recently updated kit,
App-Id Application                                                           App-Grp                          Matched Active   Matched Active  Matched Gross  Matched Gross
       Name                                                                  Name                             Packet Count     Byte Count      Packet Count   Byte Count
742    msrpc                                                                 Middleware                        0               0               2030            413459
191    soap                                                                  Middleware                        0               0               4954            1190350
97     krb5                                                                  Authentication                    8               1045            83772           21380922
158    radius                                                                Authentication                    0               0               245             47644
75     imap                                                                  Mail                              0               0               1204            769864
76     imaps                                                                 Mail                              2               172             2524            904466
110    mapi                                                                  Mail                              120             33810           34329           6457215
186    smtp                                                                  Mail                              0               0               10898           1520433
208    tds                                                                   Database                          29767           13861778        29767           13861778
1293   bmff                                                                  Audio/Video                       0               0               2561            1853293
530    itunes                                                                Audio/Video                       0               0               334333          241793788
174    rtcp                                                                  Audio/Video                       2303            500734          35502           8340392
175    rtp                                                                   Audio/Video                       560693          125913126       8934889         1987155632
182    sip                                                                   Audio/Video                       792137          598237170       816414          618548210
534    spotify                                                               Audio/Video                       0               0               85032           60293811
597    viber                                                                 Audio/Video                       0               0               90              11968
1069   vimeo                                                                 Audio/Video                       0               0               16041           11618010
2444   vine                                                                  Audio/Video                       0               0               23              7527
1118   apns                                                                  Application Service               58              18964           6881            2175780
1106   appstore                                                              Application Service               0               0               1136283         714879033
37     epm                                                                   Application Service               0               0               12374           1747886
1122   google_play                                                           Application Service               33              9214            5718            1657727
1126   icloud                                                                Application Service               9               674             87608           41448541
1744   iminent                                                               Application Service               0               0               525             90745
1119   ios_ota_update                                                        Application Service               0               0               704291          537647566
136    nspi                                                                  Application Service               0               0               2853            809977
149    portmap                                                               Application Service               64              5344            54201           4527542
1121   samsung_apps                                                          Application Service               2               164             2483            836372
196    srvloc                                                                Application Service               0               0               5368            483676
204    syslog                                                                Application Service               794396          181652272       817145          186106844
1111   windows_marketplace                                                   Application Service               0               0               693             409037
29     dhcp                                                                  Network Service                   37600           21009992        49983           26134379
32     dns                                                                   Network Service                   5546            565715          1786505         189164639
128    nbns                                                                  Network Service                   31              3917            1875            196503
137    ntp                                                                   Network Service                   7348            704024          51309           4928166
1504   websocket                                                             Network Service                   1213            91006           3509            292316
2245   king                                                                  Game                              0               0               588             119286
2179   the_simpsons_tapped_out                                               Game                              0               0               3779            3478592
342    xboxlive                                                              Game                              0               0               1698            661068
1257   58com                                                                 Web                               0               0               801             470359
956    accuweather                                                           Web                               0               0               193             61673
2231   addthis                                                               Web                               0               0               2852            1455394
2280   adobe                                                                 Web                               0               0               2941            1082737
1556   adobe_online_office                                                   Web                               0               0               1381            577857
549    adobe_update                                                          Web                               0               0               3132            1415254
2529   adtech                                                                Web                               0               0               4894            1978323
2587   advertising_com                                                       Web                               0               0               18              3685
1284   akamai                                                                Web                               0               0               6042267         4631533222
968    amazon                                                                Web                               0               0               27764           13623034
2207   amazon_adsystem                                                       Web                               0               0               2604            613429
1183   amazon_aws                                                            Web                               4               316             2344680         1413992657
1240   amazon_video                                                          Web                               0               0               732693          486080469
2209   aol                                                                   Web                               0               0               12371           3857864
2535   aol_one                                                               Web                               0               0               1721            1073764
306    apple                                                                 Web                               29              11250           1439711         743107257
2518   apple_location                                                        Web                               0               0               70660           38261485
1481   apple_siri                                                            Web                               0               0               3260            1295713
563    apple_update                                                          Web                               0               0               688684          517096376
2531   appnexus                                                              Web                               0               0               6737            2647071
2334   appsflyer                                                             Web                               0               0               157             44584
1755   avg                                                                   Web                               0               0               7               1701
714    avg_update                                                            Web                               0               0               20              5370
1512   bet365                                                                Web                               0               0               1045            597577
2028   bild                                                                  Web                               0               0               3762            2406182
547    bing                                                                  Web                               0               0               6890            3174779
974    blogger                                                               Web                               0               0               1394            660956
2322   brightcove                                                            Web                               0               0               808             456663
2449   cedexis                                                               Web                               0               0               1251            419683
567    chrome_update                                                         Web                               0               0               342             102689
1445   cloudflare                                                            Web                               0               0               22509           13732911
988    cnn                                                                   Web                               0               0               2074            724629
773    concur                                                                Web                               0               0               4572            2626673
2319   crashlytics                                                           Web                               0               0               11550           3730876
2279   criteo                                                                Web                               0               0               3902            1377370
2301   crittercism                                                           Web                               0               0               27              8430
779    dropbox                                                               Web                               0               0               140468          102495130
34     ebay                                                                  Web                               0               0               1710            704892
2016   edgecast                                                              Web                               0               0               3079            1612601
1495   evernote                                                              Web                               0               0               107             48441
244    facebook                                                              Web                               2275            1561248         365836          249264881
556    firefox_update                                                        Web                               0               0               165005          133791200
550    flashplugin_update                                                    Web                               0               0               495             200583
300    flickr                                                                Web                               0               0               3516            2288130
2519   flipboard                                                             Web                               0               0               189             53409
2300   flurry                                                                Web                               0               0               2896            922053
2340   freewheel                                                             Web                               0               0               30              2895
1094   funshion                                                              Web                               0               0               32              4800
2483   gcs                                                                   Web                               0               0               19              8753
54     google                                                                Web                               801             127294          238882          120228620
2150   google_accounts                                                       Web                               1               82              2097            690735
247    google_ads                                                            Web                               503             283626          70904           28385825
744    google_analytics                                                      Web                               37              14246           10863           3210653
1104   google_appengine                                                      Web                               0               0               160             45308
800    google_cache                                                          Web                               3               242             36190           22318207
2502   google_calendar                                                       Web                               0               0               489             125392
1489   google_docs                                                           Web                               0               0               180             71911
55     google_earth                                                          Web                               0               0               112892          71956461
57     google_maps                                                           Web                               1               82              25938           14025587
1125   google_plus                                                           Web                               0               0               2971            1409349
2288   google_safebrowsing                                                   Web                               1860            1615516         42111           22516395
801    google_translate                                                      Web                               0               0               1056            248220
2336   gravatar                                                              Web                               0               0               188             57307
1001   groupon                                                               Web                               0               0               1737            632275
745    gstatic                                                               Web                               2               168             45350           26962542
1451   here                                                                  Web                               0               0               1285            569829
67     http                                                                  Web                               3352            2909219         4770755         3497164987
68     https                                                                 Web                               766382          674822840       23632758        21125200296
1483   imgur                                                                 Web                               0               0               105             32067
2525   indexexchange                                                         Web                               0               0               454             119055
2333   inmobi                                                                Web                               0               0               141             66601
2299   inneractive                                                           Web                               0               0               108             30336
1175   instagram                                                             Web                               0               0               5702            4709761
561    java_update                                                           Web                               0               0               344             153237
2348   liverail                                                              Web                               0               0               205             58757
2526   lotame                                                                Web                               0               0               88              30360
1454   lync_online                                                           Web                               0               0               51873           34184730
1468   mapquest                                                              Web                               0               0               264             91262
2445   mixpanel                                                              Web                               0               0               913             295610
1019   monster                                                               Web                               0               0               264             122835
1020   mozilla                                                               Web                               0               0               7936            3490073
125    myspace                                                               Web                               0               0               30              6538
1030   nba                                                                   Web                               0               0               1609            1025133
2344   nielsen                                                               Web                               0               0               368             89365
461    ning                                                                  Web                               0               0               37984           42107682
2235   nokia                                                                 Web                               0               0               17              6415
1448   office365                                                             Web                               17737           10708564        926946          546844763
2416   onclickads                                                            Web                               0               0               114             55239
2523   openx                                                                 Web                               0               0               2313            1089233
578    opera_update                                                          Web                               0               0               2259            765263
1753   orange                                                                Web                               0               0               226             46470
1478   outlook                                                               Web                               1               86              49723           25332371
1747   paypal                                                                Web                               0               0               53              20447
1470   pinterest                                                             Web                               0               0               814             320179
1039   playstation                                                           Web                               0               0               2842            1306633
2524   pubmatic                                                              Web                               0               0               1744            650028
1241   qq_web                                                                Web                               0               0               24              3174
2238   quantcast                                                             Web                               0               0               995             256235
1413   qunar                                                                 Web                               0               0               19              3063
2536   rlcdn                                                                 Web                               0               0               201             64879
922    rss                                                                   Web                               0               0               2738            1840085
1046   rtl                                                                   Web                               0               0               442             258935
2527   rubiconproject                                                        Web                               0               0               1634            649311
844    salesforce                                                            Web                               1217            343956          34352           18780107
2303   samsung                                                               Web                               1               82              239             53547
2237   scorecardresearch                                                     Web                               0               0               1903            447625
1453   sharepoint_online                                                     Web                               1               74              149074          139794799
1178   shazam                                                                Web                               0               0               45              12714
2530   sizmek                                                                Web                               0               0               1982            1150853
850    skydrive                                                              Web                               6               444             763             391687
1051   slideshare                                                            Web                               0               0               13              8654
2446   smartadserver                                                         Web                               0               0               3902            1424464
1469   spdy                                                                  Web                               0               0               10624           4820475
1465   speedtest                                                             Web                               0               0               67633           46874056
1052   spiegel                                                               Web                               0               0               8017            4448315
2350   stickyads                                                             Web                               0               0               1388            447543
1056   surveymonkey                                                          Web                               0               0               31              2606
2250   symantec                                                              Web                               0               0               113             67957
1763   t_online                                                              Web                               0               0               13813           6504875
2558   thevideos                                                             Web                               0               0               72414           54760011
860    tidaltv                                                               Web                               0               0               103             27910
2277   truste                                                                Web                               0               0               635             223100
2236   turn                                                                  Web                               0               0               85              25625
2343   turner                                                                Web                               0               0               41              7003
503    twitter                                                               Web                               2               164             36690           20416429
2581   web_de                                                                Web                               0               0               22822           11691591
222    wikipedia                                                             Web                               0               0               2218            1309412
1288   windows_azure                                                         Web                               0               0               2115            1436833
562    windows_update                                                        Web                               14599           11142913        335741          279785423
298    windowslive                                                           Web                               8393            1283304         417489          265723683
297    wordpress                                                             Web                               0               0               324             58422
516    xing                                                                  Web                               0               0               19851           9376096
1294   yahoo                                                                 Web                               0               0               3179            1219260
234    yahoo_search                                                          Web                               0               0               602             282169
519    yammer                                                                Web                               998             367026          17455           7386359
523    yandex                                                                Web                               0               0               122             53623
240    youtube                                                               Web                               6649            7117607         338512          283573076
2481   bjnp                                                                  Printer                           0               0               2546972         163099250
170    rsh                                                                   Terminal                          0               0               12              2436
209    telnet                                                                Terminal                          0               0               258             32738
190    snmp                                                                  Network Management                561409          136373697       5740841         1761520003
305    linkedin                                                              Forum                             0               0               35153           18287140
2215   tapatalk                                                              Forum                             0               0               73              35290
51     gmail                                                                 Webmail                           5               559             40910           24637364
1116   gmx                                                                   Webmail                           0               0               3331            1752392
141    owa                                                                   Webmail                           0               0               9               1766
236    ymail2                                                                Webmail                           0               0               2525            2511246
111    mcafee                                                                Security Service                  0               0               59              34130
45     ftp                                                                   File Server                       0               0               19378           1780894
46     ftp_data                                                              File Server                       0               0               4520            3356278
131    nfs                                                                   File Server                       15028           19777248        1735624         2257351736
211    tftp                                                                  File Server                       8               932             1070            119379
545    teamviewer                                                            Thin Client                       0               0               194169          65404672
220    vmware                                                                Thin Client                       0               0               12177           1430186
85     ipsec                                                                 Encrypted                         3695465         807135409       4682100         1355808959
92     isakmp                                                                Encrypted                         12993           3142652         894886          202447573
330    ocsp                                                                  Encrypted                         194             46037           12663           2746251
198    ssh                                                                   Encrypted                         2963            1333331         2052131         1901131898
1913   bits                                                                  File Transfer                     0               0               172898          169861483
1912   imessage_file_download                                                File Transfer                     0               0               7065            5839675
4      unknown                                                               Standard                          2439358         1233030268      6338771         3483685869
275    aim_express                                                           Instant Messaging                 0               0               2675            1393141
281    aims                                                                  Instant Messaging                 0               0               278             96207
2331   facebook_messenger                                                    Instant Messaging                 0               0               322             64405
1441   gtalk                                                                 Instant Messaging                 178             19031           1282            213770
94     jabber                                                                Instant Messaging                 0               0               45711           3339429
183    skype                                                                 Instant Messaging                 0               0               4688            2064810
1568   touch                                                                 Instant Messaging                 3               222             155403          61660008
1093   whatsapp                                                              Instant Messaging                 0               0               11296           7236508
Number of Applications: 2069

"show app-mon app-list enforcement active stats" Ausgabe mit Unterstützung von "awk" optimieren (fortgeschritten)

Normalerweise gibt das Kommando die Werte für „Bytes“ eben auch als solche aus, allerdings fällt es beim Überfliegen der Liste nicht immer leicht sofort einen griffigen Wert im Kopf zu haben. Mit der Unterstützung von awk können die Werte von Bytes in Megabytes (MB) umgerechnet werden, was leichter zu erfassen ist.

Die Werte werden nur als Megabytes dargestellt wenn mehr als 1 MB übertragen wurde, sonst verbleibt der Wert in Bytes.

OS6860E-> show app-mon app-list enforcement active stats | awk -F"[ ]{2,}" 'FNR <= 6 {print $0}; FNR > 6 && NF >= 4 { if (int($5) > 1048576) $5=sprintf("%.2f MB",$5/1024/1024); if (int($7) > 1048576) $7=sprintf("%.2f MB",$7/1024/1024); if ($4 > 0 || $5 > 0 || $6 > 0 || $7 > 0) printf "%-6s %-69s %-32s %-16s %-15s %-14s %-16s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7; else next; }'

Legend: Application-name: *= Not present in recently updated kit,

App-Id Application                                                           App-Grp                          Matched Active   Matched Active  Matched Gross  Matched Gross
       Name                                                                  Name                             Packet Count     Byte Count      Packet Count   Byte Count
742    msrpc                                                                 Middleware                       0                0               2030           413459          
191    soap                                                                  Middleware                       0                0               4954           1,14 MB         
97     krb5                                                                  Authentication                   49               17301           83876          20,42 MB        
158    radius                                                                Authentication                   0                0               245            47644           
75     imap                                                                  Mail                             0                0               1204           769864          
76     imaps                                                                 Mail                             2                172             2524           904466          
110    mapi                                                                  Mail                             142              35722           34351          6,16 MB         
186    smtp                                                                  Mail                             0                0               10924          1,45 MB         
208    tds                                                                   Database                         30234            13,30 MB        30234          13,30 MB        
1293   bmff                                                                  Audio/Video                      0                0               2561           1,77 MB         
530    itunes                                                                Audio/Video                      0                0               334396         230,62 MB       
174    rtcp                                                                  Audio/Video                      3481             764858          36791          8,23 MB         
175    rtp                                                                   Audio/Video                      849400           181,47 MB       9247425        1962,14 MB      
182    sip                                                                   Audio/Video                      793354           571,44 MB       817633         590,81 MB       
534    spotify                                                               Audio/Video                      0                0               85032          57,50 MB        
597    viber                                                                 Audio/Video                      0                0               90             11968           
1069   vimeo                                                                 Audio/Video                      0                0               16041          11,08 MB        
2444   vine                                                                  Audio/Video                      0                0               23             7527            
1118   apns                                                                  Application Service              2                160             6885           2,08 MB         
1106   appstore                                                              Application Service              0                0               1136338        681,80 MB       
37     epm                                                                   Application Service              0                0               12385          1,67 MB         
1122   google_play                                                           Application Service              507              375627          6705           2,15 MB         
1126   icloud                                                                Application Service              2                160             88165          39,79 MB        
1744   iminent                                                               Application Service              0                0               525            90745           
1119   ios_ota_update                                                        Application Service              0                0               704291         512,74 MB       
136    nspi                                                                  Application Service              0                0               2853           809977          
149    portmap                                                               Application Service              33               2770            54250          4,32 MB         
1121   samsung_apps                                                          Application Service              16               2650            2524           846594          
196    srvloc                                                                Application Service              0                0               5368           483676          
204    syslog                                                                Application Service              795468           173,47 MB       818223         177,72 MB       
1111   windows_marketplace                                                   Application Service              0                0               722            423362          
29     dhcp                                                                  Network Service                  37766            20,10 MB        50179          25,00 MB        
32     dns                                                                   Network Service                  5604             574371          1792187        181,07 MB       
128    nbns                                                                  Network Service                  19               2717            1879           197088          
137    ntp                                                                   Network Service                  7365             705646          51391          4,71 MB         
1504   websocket                                                             Network Service                  1285             96346           3581           297656          
2245   king                                                                  Game                             0                0               588            119286          
2179   the_simpsons_tapped_out                                               Game                             0                0               3779           3,32 MB         
342    xboxlive                                                              Game                             0                0               1698           661068          
1257   58com                                                                 Web                              0                0               801            470359          
956    accuweather                                                           Web                              0                0               193            61673           
2231   addthis                                                               Web                              0                0               2852           1,39 MB         
2280   adobe                                                                 Web                              0                0               3123           1,19 MB         
1556   adobe_online_office                                                   Web                              0                0               1488           618255          
549    adobe_update                                                          Web                              3                222             4113           2,20 MB         
2529   adtech                                                                Web                              0                0               4894           1,89 MB         
2587   advertising_com                                                       Web                              0                0               18             3685            
1284   akamai                                                                Web                              0                0               6042267        4416,97 MB      
968    amazon                                                                Web                              17               1394            27868          13,02 MB        
2207   amazon_adsystem                                                       Web                              0                0               2604           613429          
1183   amazon_aws                                                            Web                              9                692             2344963        1348,64 MB      
1240   amazon_video                                                          Web                              0                0               732693         463,56 MB       
2209   aol                                                                   Web                              0                0               12371          3,68 MB         
2535   aol_one                                                               Web                              0                0               1721           1,02 MB         
306    apple                                                                 Web                              4                304             1458239        718,36 MB       
2518   apple_location                                                        Web                              0                0               70691          36,50 MB        
1481   apple_siri                                                            Web                              0                0               3343           1,26 MB         
563    apple_update                                                          Web                              0                0               688684         493,14 MB       
2531   appnexus                                                              Web                              0                0               6824           2,56 MB         
2334   appsflyer                                                             Web                              0                0               157            44584           
1755   avg                                                                   Web                              0                0               7              1701            
714    avg_update                                                            Web                              0                0               20             5370            
1512   bet365                                                                Web                              0                0               1045           597577          
2028   bild                                                                  Web                              0                0               3762           2,29 MB         
547    bing                                                                  Web                              0                0               6890           3,03 MB         
974    blogger                                                               Web                              0                0               1394           660956          
2322   brightcove                                                            Web                              0                0               808            456663          
2449   cedexis                                                               Web                              72               24551           1478           506464          
567    chrome_update                                                         Web                              0                0               342            102689          
1445   cloudflare                                                            Web                              1                74              22545          13,11 MB        
988    cnn                                                                   Web                              0                0               2074           724629          
773    concur                                                                Web                              0                0               4572           2,50 MB         
2319   crashlytics                                                           Web                              0                0               11627          3,59 MB         
2279   criteo                                                                Web                              68               32618           4052           1,37 MB         
2301   crittercism                                                           Web                              0                0               27             8430            
779    dropbox                                                               Web                              0                0               140468         97,75 MB        
34     ebay                                                                  Web                              0                0               1710           704892          
2016   edgecast                                                              Web                              0                0               3079           1,54 MB         
1495   evernote                                                              Web                              0                0               107            48441           
244    facebook                                                              Web                              8                632             366216         237,82 MB       
556    firefox_update                                                        Web                              2                148             165007         127,59 MB       
550    flashplugin_update                                                    Web                              0                0               495            200583          
300    flickr                                                                Web                              0                0               3516           2,18 MB         
2519   flipboard                                                             Web                              0                0               189            53409           
2300   flurry                                                                Web                              0                0               2896           922053          
2340   freewheel                                                             Web                              0                0               30             2895            
1094   funshion                                                              Web                              0                0               32             4800            
2483   gcs                                                                   Web                              0                0               19             8753            
54     google                                                                Web                              627              89820           239349         114,78 MB       
2150   google_accounts                                                       Web                              0                0               2100           691004          
247    google_ads                                                            Web                              15               1496            72756          28,49 MB        
744    google_analytics                                                      Web                              8                794             10928          3,08 MB         
1104   google_appengine                                                      Web                              0                0               160            45308           
800    google_cache                                                          Web                              0                0               36227          21,29 MB        
2502   google_calendar                                                       Web                              0                0               489            125392          
1489   google_docs                                                           Web                              0                0               180            71911           
55     google_earth                                                          Web                              0                0               112892         68,62 MB        
57     google_maps                                                           Web                              2                164             25942          13,38 MB        
1125   google_plus                                                           Web                              1                86              2972           1,34 MB         
2288   google_safebrowsing                                                   Web                              1                74              42152          21,48 MB        
801    google_translate                                                      Web                              0                0               1056           248220          
2336   gravatar                                                              Web                              0                0               188            57307           
1001   groupon                                                               Web                              0                0               1737           632275          
745    gstatic                                                               Web                              4                324             45352          25,71 MB        
1451   here                                                                  Web                              0                0               1285           569829          
67     http                                                                  Web                              1722             1,44 MB         4779159        3341,55 MB      
68     https                                                                 Web                              861323           695,02 MB       23757764       20211,64 MB     
1483   imgur                                                                 Web                              0                0               105            32067           
2525   indexexchange                                                         Web                              0                0               468            123894          
2333   inmobi                                                                Web                              0                0               141            66601           
2299   inneractive                                                           Web                              0                0               108            30336           
1175   instagram                                                             Web                              0                0               5702           4,49 MB         
561    java_update                                                           Web                              0                0               344            153237          
2348   liverail                                                              Web                              0                0               221            64487           
2526   lotame                                                                Web                              0                0               88             30360           
1454   lync_online                                                           Web                              0                0               51873          32,60 MB        
1468   mapquest                                                              Web                              0                0               264            91262           
2445   mixpanel                                                              Web                              0                0               913            295610          
1019   monster                                                               Web                              0                0               264            122835          
1020   mozilla                                                               Web                              1                74              8099           3,38 MB         
125    myspace                                                               Web                              0                0               30             6538            
1030   nba                                                                   Web                              0                0               1609           1025133         
2344   nielsen                                                               Web                              0                0               368            89365           
461    ning                                                                  Web                              0                0               37984          40,16 MB        
2235   nokia                                                                 Web                              0                0               17             6415            
1448   office365                                                             Web                              24730            16,50 MB        942553         535,00 MB       
2416   onclickads                                                            Web                              0                0               114            55239           
2523   openx                                                                 Web                              0                0               2313           1,04 MB         
578    opera_update                                                          Web                              0                0               2259           765263          
1753   orange                                                                Web                              0                0               226            46470           
1478   outlook                                                               Web                              63               25812           49931          24,25 MB        
1747   paypal                                                                Web                              0                0               53             20447           
1470   pinterest                                                             Web                              0                0               814            320179          
1039   playstation                                                           Web                              0                0               2842           1,25 MB         
2524   pubmatic                                                              Web                              0                0               1744           650028          
1241   qq_web                                                                Web                              0                0               24             3174            
2238   quantcast                                                             Web                              0                0               995            256235          
1413   qunar                                                                 Web                              0                0               19             3063            
2536   rlcdn                                                                 Web                              0                0               201            64879           
922    rss                                                                   Web                              0                0               2738           1,75 MB         
1046   rtl                                                                   Web                              0                0               442            258935          
2527   rubiconproject                                                        Web                              0                0               1634           649311          
844    salesforce                                                            Web                              2278             657302          37016          18,74 MB        
2303   samsung                                                               Web                              1                82              239            53547           
2237   scorecardresearch                                                     Web                              1                74              1923           454348          
1453   sharepoint_online                                                     Web                              21723            20,63 MB        455140         411,67 MB       
1178   shazam                                                                Web                              0                0               45             12714           
2530   sizmek                                                                Web                              0                0               1982           1,10 MB         
850    skydrive                                                              Web                              0                0               1012           560056          
1051   slideshare                                                            Web                              0                0               13             8654            
2446   smartadserver                                                         Web                              0                0               3919           1,36 MB         
1469   spdy                                                                  Web                              0                0               10624          4,60 MB         
1465   speedtest                                                             Web                              0                0               67633          44,70 MB        
1052   spiegel                                                               Web                              0                0               8017           4,24 MB         
2350   stickyads                                                             Web                              0                0               1388           447543          
1056   surveymonkey                                                          Web                              0                0               31             2606            
2250   symantec                                                              Web                              0                0               113            67957           
1763   t_online                                                              Web                              0                0               13813          6,20 MB         
2558   thevideos                                                             Web                              0                0               72414          52,22 MB        
860    tidaltv                                                               Web                              0                0               103            27910           
2277   truste                                                                Web                              1                74              654            230486          
502    tumblr                                                                Web                              7                703             7              703             
2236   turn                                                                  Web                              0                0               85             25625           
2343   turner                                                                Web                              0                0               41             7003            
503    twitter                                                               Web                              0                0               36711          19,48 MB        
2581   web_de                                                                Web                              0                0               22822          11,15 MB        
222    wikipedia                                                             Web                              0                0               2218           1,25 MB         
1288   windows_azure                                                         Web                              0                0               2115           1,37 MB         
562    windows_update                                                        Web                              0                0               345102         273,70 MB       
298    windowslive                                                           Web                              8362             1,20 MB         417945         253,61 MB       
297    wordpress                                                             Web                              0                0               324            58422           
516    xing                                                                  Web                              6                444             22385          10,63 MB        
1294   yahoo                                                                 Web                              0                0               3193           1,17 MB         
234    yahoo_search                                                          Web                              0                0               602            282169          
519    yammer                                                                Web                              1357             489365          18288          7,39 MB         
523    yandex                                                                Web                              0                0               122            53623           
240    youtube                                                               Web                              0                0               398744         336,25 MB       
2481   bjnp                                                                  Printer                          0                0               2546972        155,54 MB       
170    rsh                                                                   Terminal                         0                0               12             2436            
209    telnet                                                                Terminal                         0                0               258            32738           
190    snmp                                                                  Network Management               562500           130,34 MB       5743835        1680,97 MB      
305    linkedin                                                              Forum                            121              26666           37987          18,73 MB        
2215   tapatalk                                                              Forum                            0                0               73             35290           
51     gmail                                                                 Webmail                          5                559             40939          23,50 MB        
1116   gmx                                                                   Webmail                          0                0               3331           1,67 MB         
141    owa                                                                   Webmail                          0                0               9              1766            
236    ymail2                                                                Webmail                          0                0               2525           2,39 MB         
111    mcafee                                                                Security Service                 0                0               59             34130           
45     ftp                                                                   File Server                      0                0               19439          1,70 MB         
46     ftp_data                                                              File Server                      0                0               4520           3,20 MB         
131    nfs                                                                   File Server                      15035            18,86 MB        1735631        2152,78 MB      
211    tftp                                                                  File Server                      8                932             1070           119379          
545    teamviewer                                                            Thin Client                      0                0               194169         62,37 MB        
220    vmware                                                                Thin Client                      0                0               12177          1,36 MB         
85     ipsec                                                                 Encrypted                        3699185          770,57 MB       4685820        1293,83 MB      
92     isakmp                                                                Encrypted                        15153            3,47 MB         897046         193,54 MB       
330    ocsp                                                                  Encrypted                        90               19699           13556          2,83 MB         
198    ssh                                                                   Encrypted                        3072             1,32 MB         2052602        1813,15 MB      
1913   bits                                                                  File Transfer                    0                0               172898         161,99 MB       
1912   imessage_file_download                                                File Transfer                    0                0               7065           5,57 MB         
4      unknown                                                               Standard                         2443953          1179,60 MB      6346709        3327,94 MB      
275    aim_express                                                           Instant Messaging                0                0               2675           1,33 MB         
281    aims                                                                  Instant Messaging                0                0               278            96207           
2331   facebook_messenger                                                    Instant Messaging                0                0               322            64405           
1441   gtalk                                                                 Instant Messaging                168              16959           1354           222518          
94     jabber                                                                Instant Messaging                0                0               45711          3,18 MB         
183    skype                                                                 Instant Messaging                0                0               4715           1,98 MB         
1568   touch                                                                 Instant Messaging                3                222             155563         58,86 MB        
1093   whatsapp                                                              Instant Messaging                0                0               11296          6,90 MB         

"show app-mon ipv4-flow-table enforcement verbose"

Die bisherigen Ausgaben ließen keinen Rückschluss auf den Nutzer der Applikation zu. Selbstverständlich ist eine solche Ausgabe möglich, in diesem Fall eingeschränkt auf die Applikation „firefox_update“.

OS6860E-> show app-mon ipv4-flow-table enforcement verbose | grep firefox_update -C 1
2016-09-25/19:38:59/CEST    0d 0h 49m 36s      80         59093      TCP        firefox_update       
Web                              -                                20368            15134039        
2016-09-25/20:27:41/CEST    0d 0h 0m 54s      443        51276      TCP        firefox_update       
Web                              -                                1                74              

grep -C 1 gibt jeweils eine Zeile vor und nach dem gesuchten Begriff aus

aos_r8_app-mon_abfrage_packet_count.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/06/09 10:29 von

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