


Skript nach Kalt- oder Warmstart ausführen um administrative Aktion auszuführen

In seltenen Fällen kann es notwendig sein nach einem Kalt- oder Warmstart des OmniSwitch eine Route zu entfernen und neu zu konfigurieren um z.B. L2GRE Tunneln zu helfen. Dieser Artikel beschreibt exemplarisch, wie dies per event-action möglich ist.

Exemplarisches Python Skript um Route zu entfernen/hinzuzufügen
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import subprocess
import time
import sys
# This script removes a route and adds it again to address a timing issue
# for L2GRE tunnels
# Adapt to your needs
# -Benny 
# Destination
destination = ""
# Mask e.g. /32
mask = "32"
# Gateway
gateway = ""
# Maximum uptime until which this script will run after a coldStart/warmStart trap
# This avoids running on "trap-replay" situations, sometimes triggered by NMS
# Make sure to specify this as a float 300.0 for 5 minutes
max_uptime = 300.0
# Do not modify below this line
print(" Script was started via event-action following a reboot, resetting route to help L2GRE tunnels")
uptime = time.clock_gettime(time.CLOCK_BOOTTIME)
print(f" System uptime is at {uptime} seconds")
if uptime > max_uptime:
    sys.exit(" Reached maximum uptime to apply this workaround.")['no', 'ip', 'static-route', f'{destination}/{mask}', 'gateway', f'{gateway}'], capture_output=False)
print(f" Removed route to {destination}/{mask} via {gateway}")['ip', 'static-route', f'{destination}/{mask}', 'gateway', f'{gateway}'], capture_output=False)
print(f" Added route to {destination}/{mask} via {gateway}")

Konfiguration von event-action

Ich habe aktuell noch Schwierigkeiten dass die Traps gesendet werden bevor das System fertig ist mit dem Start.

-> event-action trap coldStart script /flash/python/
-> event-action trap warmStart script /flash/python/
-> ls -l /flash/python
total 36
-rwxrwx---    1 root     admins       20228 Jul 19 16:33
-rw-r--r--    1 admin    user          8423 Jul 19 16:33
-rw-rw-rw-    1 admin    user          1302 Jul 19 16:52
-> ls -l /flash/python
total 36
-rwxrwx---    1 root     admins       20228 Jul 19 16:33
-rw-r--r--    1 admin    user          8423 Jul 19 16:33
-rwxrwx---    1 root     admins        1302 Jul 19 16:52
-> show event-action 
Script Time Limit (seconds): 60

 Type                   Name                      Script (/flash/python/...)    
trap   coldStart                      
trap   warmStart                      
trap   alaDhcpVsoBrokerIpAddress      
OS6465 login:
Fri Jul 19 17:05:19 : ChassisSupervisor Power Mgr INFO message:
+++ Power Supply 1 Inserted
+++ Power Supply 1 Up
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OS6465T-P12 8.9.96.R04 Service Release, April 05, 2024.
chassis mode is
chassis mode is

Fri Jul 19 17:06:34 : lpNi LanNi INFO message:
+++ HW Ver  0 SW Ver  211 Param #26 ProdNum 23

Fri Jul 19 17:06:36 : dafcCmm cmm INFO message:
+++ afd_cmm_mip_handle_eoic: EOIC received once again

Fri Jul 19 17:06:36 : vcmNi thread INFO message:
+++ NI:thread_main@3179: NI 1 connecting to VC-ISIS (0/65)

Fri Jul 19 17:06:37 : qosNi Info INFO message:
+++ VC Takeover in progress.
+++ VC Takeover complete.
Chassis Supervision: CMM has reached the ready state [L8]

Fri Jul 19 17:06:38 : lpNi LanNi INFO message:
+++ lpStartNi 7119:Starting NI

Fri Jul 19 17:06:40 : ChassisSupervisor reloadMgr INFO message:
+++ Redundancy time expired - updating next running to working

Fri Jul 19 17:06:40 : intfCmm Mgr INFO message:
+++ Link 1/1/1 operationally up
aos-r8-omniswitch-event-action-nach-neustart.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/07/19 15:20 von benny

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