
Überwachung von Stellar Wireless Access Points per SNMP

Bisher nur meine Notizen, kein fertiger Artikel. -benny 08.03.2019

Standard MIBs

mbp:ALE-MIB-1.0.2 BennyE$ snmptranslate -m ALL -M +. -Tp
            |     +--alcatel(6486)
            |     |  +--alcatelNGOAWBaseMIB(802)
            |     |     +--alcatelNGOAWManagement(1)
            |     |        +--managementNGOAWHardware(1)
            |     |        |  +--hardwareNGOAWEntities(1)
            |     |        |  +--hardwareNGOAWDevices(2)
            |     |        |     +--alcatelNGOAWDevicesMIB(1)
            |     |        |        +--familyNGOAWWirelessSwitch(1)
            |     |        |        +--familyNGOAWWirelessAP(2)
            |     |        |           +--deviceNGOAWAp1101(1)
            |     |        |           +--deviceNGOAWAp1221(2)
            |     |        |           +--deviceNGOAWAp1222(3)
            |     |        |           +--deviceNGOAWAp1231(4)
            |     |        |           +--deviceNGOAWAp1232(5)
            |     |        |           +--deviceNGOAWAp1251(6)
            |     |        |           +--deviceNGOAWAp1251D(7)
            |     |        |           +--deviceNGOAWAp1201H(8)
            |     |        |           +--deviceNGOAWAp1201(9)
            |     |        |
            |     |        +--managementNGOAWSoftware(2)
            |     |        |  +--softwareNGOAWEntities(1)
            |     |        |  +--softwareNGOAWServices(2)
            |     |        |
            |     |        +--managementNGOAWAgentCapabilities(4)
            |     |

Modifizierte Benny MIBs

TODO: Korrektur für Merge vorschlagen :)

mbp:ALE-MIB-1.0.2-benny-edition BennyE$ snmptranslate -m ALL -M +. -Tp > full-tree.txt
            |     +--alcatel(6486)
            |     |  +--alcatelNGOAWBaseMIB(802)
            |     |     +--alcatelNGOAWManagement(1)
            |     |        +--managementNGOAWHardware(1)
            |     |        |  +--hardwareNGOAWEntities(1)
            |     |        |  +--hardwareNGOAWDevices(2)
            |     |        |     +--alcatelNGOAWDevicesMIB(1)
            |     |        |        +--familyNGOAWWirelessSwitch(1)
            |     |        |        +--familyNGOAWWirelessAP(2)
            |     |        |           +--deviceNGOAWAp1101(1)
            |     |        |           |  |
            |     |        |           |  +--apInfo(1)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apBaseInfo(1)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apMacAddress(1)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apSysName(2)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- NetAddr   apIPAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apGroupName(4)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apModel(5)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apSerial(6)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apMemoryUtilization(7)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apCpuUtilization(8)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- Integer32 apSysUpTime(9)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apRadioInfo(2)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +--apRadioInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |     |     |
            |     |        |           |     |     +--ApRadioInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |  Index: apRadioIndex
            |     |        |           |     |        |
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- ---- Integer32 apRadioIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apRadioMacAddress(2)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioBand(3)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioChannel(4)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioTxpower(5)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioUtilization(6)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxTotalFrames(7)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxManagementFrames(8)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxDataFrames(9)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxBytes(10)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxDrops(11)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxTotalFrames(12)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxManagementFrames(13)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxDataFrames(14)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxBytes(15)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxBadFrames(16)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apWlanInfo(3)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +--apWlanInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |     |     |
            |     |        |           |     |     +--ApWlanInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |  Index: apWlanIndex
            |     |        |           |     |        |
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- ---- Integer32 apWlanIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apWlanEssid(2)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apWlanMacAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanTxTotalFrames(4)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanTxBytes(5)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanRxTotalFrames(6)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanRxBytes(7)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apClientInfo(4)
            |     |        |           |        |
            |     |        |           |        +--apClientInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |           |
            |     |        |           |           +--ApClientInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |              |  Index: apClientIndex
            |     |        |           |              |
            |     |        |           |              +-- ---- Integer32 apClientIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |              |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientMacAddress(2)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- NetAddr   apClientIPAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientWlanService(4)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- INTEGER   apClientSNR(5)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientDeviceFamily(6)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientOS(7)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Integer32 apClientUptime(8)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxFrames(9)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxBytes(10)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxRate(11)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxRetries(12)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxFrames(13)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxBytes(14)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxRate(15)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxRetries(16)
            |     |        |           |
            |     |        |           +--deviceNGOAWAp1221(2)
            |     |        |           |  |
            |     |        |           |  +--apInfo(1)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apBaseInfo(1)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apMacAddress(1)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apSysName(2)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- NetAddr   apIPAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apGroupName(4)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apModel(5)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apSerial(6)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apMemoryUtilization(7)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apCpuUtilization(8)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- Integer32 apSysUpTime(9)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apRadioInfo(2)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +--apRadioInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |     |     |
            |     |        |           |     |     +--ApRadioInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |  Index: apRadioIndex
            |     |        |           |     |        |
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- ---- Integer32 apRadioIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apRadioMacAddress(2)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioBand(3)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioChannel(4)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioTxpower(5)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioUtilization(6)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxTotalFrames(7)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxManagementFrames(8)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxDataFrames(9)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxBytes(10)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxDrops(11)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxTotalFrames(12)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxManagementFrames(13)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxDataFrames(14)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxBytes(15)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxBadFrames(16)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apWlanInfo(3)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +--apWlanInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |     |     |
            |     |        |           |     |     +--ApWlanInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |  Index: apWlanIndex
            |     |        |           |     |        |
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- ---- Integer32 apWlanIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apWlanEssid(2)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apWlanMacAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanTxTotalFrames(4)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanTxBytes(5)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanRxTotalFrames(6)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanRxBytes(7)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apClientInfo(4)
            |     |        |           |        |
            |     |        |           |        +--apClientInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |           |
            |     |        |           |           +--ApClientInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |              |  Index: apClientIndex
            |     |        |           |              |
            |     |        |           |              +-- ---- Integer32 apClientIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |              |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientMacAddress(2)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- NetAddr   apClientIPAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientWlanService(4)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- INTEGER   apClientSNR(5)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientDeviceFamily(6)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientOS(7)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Integer32 apClientUptime(8)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxFrames(9)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxBytes(10)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxRate(11)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxRetries(12)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxFrames(13)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxBytes(14)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxRate(15)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxRetries(16)
            |     |        |           |
            |     |        |           +--deviceNGOAWAp1222(3)
            |     |        |           |  |
            |     |        |           |  +--apInfo(1)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apBaseInfo(1)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apMacAddress(1)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apSysName(2)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- NetAddr   apIPAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apGroupName(4)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apModel(5)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apSerial(6)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apMemoryUtilization(7)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apCpuUtilization(8)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- Integer32 apSysUpTime(9)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apRadioInfo(2)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +--apRadioInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |     |     |
            |     |        |           |     |     +--ApRadioInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |  Index: apRadioIndex
            |     |        |           |     |        |
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- ---- Integer32 apRadioIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apRadioMacAddress(2)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioBand(3)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioChannel(4)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioTxpower(5)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioUtilization(6)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxTotalFrames(7)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxManagementFrames(8)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxDataFrames(9)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxBytes(10)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxDrops(11)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxTotalFrames(12)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxManagementFrames(13)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxDataFrames(14)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxBytes(15)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxBadFrames(16)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apWlanInfo(3)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +--apWlanInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |     |     |
            |     |        |           |     |     +--ApWlanInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |  Index: apWlanIndex
            |     |        |           |     |        |
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- ---- Integer32 apWlanIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apWlanEssid(2)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apWlanMacAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanTxTotalFrames(4)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanTxBytes(5)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanRxTotalFrames(6)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanRxBytes(7)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apClientInfo(4)
            |     |        |           |        |
            |     |        |           |        +--apClientInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |           |
            |     |        |           |           +--ApClientInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |              |  Index: apClientIndex
            |     |        |           |              |
            |     |        |           |              +-- ---- Integer32 apClientIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |              |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientMacAddress(2)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- NetAddr   apClientIPAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientWlanService(4)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- INTEGER   apClientSNR(5)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientDeviceFamily(6)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientOS(7)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Integer32 apClientUptime(8)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxFrames(9)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxBytes(10)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxRate(11)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxRetries(12)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxFrames(13)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxBytes(14)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxRate(15)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxRetries(16)
            |     |        |           |
            |     |        |           +--deviceNGOAWAp1231(4)
            |     |        |           |  |
            |     |        |           |  +--apInfo(1)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apBaseInfo(1)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apMacAddress(1)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apSysName(2)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- NetAddr   apIPAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apGroupName(4)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apModel(5)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apSerial(6)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apMemoryUtilization(7)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apCpuUtilization(8)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- Integer32 apSysUpTime(9)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apRadioInfo(2)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +--apRadioInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |     |     |
            |     |        |           |     |     +--ApRadioInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |  Index: apRadioIndex
            |     |        |           |     |        |
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- ---- Integer32 apRadioIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apRadioMacAddress(2)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioBand(3)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioChannel(4)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioTxpower(5)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioUtilization(6)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxTotalFrames(7)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxManagementFrames(8)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxDataFrames(9)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxBytes(10)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxDrops(11)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxTotalFrames(12)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxManagementFrames(13)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxDataFrames(14)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxBytes(15)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxBadFrames(16)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apWlanInfo(3)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +--apWlanInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |     |     |
            |     |        |           |     |     +--ApWlanInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |  Index: apWlanIndex
            |     |        |           |     |        |
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- ---- Integer32 apWlanIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apWlanEssid(2)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apWlanMacAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanTxTotalFrames(4)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanTxBytes(5)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanRxTotalFrames(6)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanRxBytes(7)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apClientInfo(4)
            |     |        |           |        |
            |     |        |           |        +--apClientInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |           |
            |     |        |           |           +--ApClientInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |              |  Index: apClientIndex
            |     |        |           |              |
            |     |        |           |              +-- ---- Integer32 apClientIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |              |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientMacAddress(2)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- NetAddr   apClientIPAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientWlanService(4)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- INTEGER   apClientSNR(5)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientDeviceFamily(6)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientOS(7)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Integer32 apClientUptime(8)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxFrames(9)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxBytes(10)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxRate(11)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxRetries(12)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxFrames(13)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxBytes(14)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxRate(15)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxRetries(16)
            |     |        |           |
            |     |        |           +--deviceNGOAWAp1232(5)
            |     |        |           |  |
            |     |        |           |  +--apInfo(1)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apBaseInfo(1)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apMacAddress(1)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apSysName(2)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- NetAddr   apIPAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apGroupName(4)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apModel(5)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apSerial(6)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apMemoryUtilization(7)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apCpuUtilization(8)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- Integer32 apSysUpTime(9)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apRadioInfo(2)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +--apRadioInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |     |     |
            |     |        |           |     |     +--ApRadioInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |  Index: apRadioIndex
            |     |        |           |     |        |
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- ---- Integer32 apRadioIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apRadioMacAddress(2)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioBand(3)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioChannel(4)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioTxpower(5)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioUtilization(6)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxTotalFrames(7)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxManagementFrames(8)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxDataFrames(9)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxBytes(10)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxDrops(11)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxTotalFrames(12)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxManagementFrames(13)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxDataFrames(14)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxBytes(15)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxBadFrames(16)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apWlanInfo(3)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +--apWlanInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |     |     |
            |     |        |           |     |     +--ApWlanInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |  Index: apWlanIndex
            |     |        |           |     |        |
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- ---- Integer32 apWlanIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apWlanEssid(2)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apWlanMacAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanTxTotalFrames(4)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanTxBytes(5)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanRxTotalFrames(6)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanRxBytes(7)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apClientInfo(4)
            |     |        |           |        |
            |     |        |           |        +--apClientInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |           |
            |     |        |           |           +--ApClientInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |              |  Index: apClientIndex
            |     |        |           |              |
            |     |        |           |              +-- ---- Integer32 apClientIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |              |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientMacAddress(2)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- NetAddr   apClientIPAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientWlanService(4)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- INTEGER   apClientSNR(5)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientDeviceFamily(6)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientOS(7)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Integer32 apClientUptime(8)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxFrames(9)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxBytes(10)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxRate(11)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxRetries(12)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxFrames(13)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxBytes(14)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxRate(15)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxRetries(16)
            |     |        |           |
            |     |        |           +--deviceNGOAWAp1251(6)
            |     |        |           |  |
            |     |        |           |  +--apInfo(1)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apBaseInfo(1)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apMacAddress(1)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apSysName(2)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- NetAddr   apIPAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apGroupName(4)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apModel(5)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apSerial(6)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apMemoryUtilization(7)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apCpuUtilization(8)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- Integer32 apSysUpTime(9)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apRadioInfo(2)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +--apRadioInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |     |     |
            |     |        |           |     |     +--ApRadioInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |  Index: apRadioIndex
            |     |        |           |     |        |
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- ---- Integer32 apRadioIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apRadioMacAddress(2)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioBand(3)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioChannel(4)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioTxpower(5)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioUtilization(6)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxTotalFrames(7)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxManagementFrames(8)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxDataFrames(9)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxBytes(10)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxDrops(11)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxTotalFrames(12)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxManagementFrames(13)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxDataFrames(14)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxBytes(15)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxBadFrames(16)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apWlanInfo(3)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +--apWlanInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |     |     |
            |     |        |           |     |     +--ApWlanInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |  Index: apWlanIndex
            |     |        |           |     |        |
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- ---- Integer32 apWlanIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apWlanEssid(2)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apWlanMacAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanTxTotalFrames(4)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanTxBytes(5)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanRxTotalFrames(6)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanRxBytes(7)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apClientInfo(4)
            |     |        |           |        |
            |     |        |           |        +--apClientInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |           |
            |     |        |           |           +--ApClientInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |              |  Index: apClientIndex
            |     |        |           |              |
            |     |        |           |              +-- ---- Integer32 apClientIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |              |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientMacAddress(2)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- NetAddr   apClientIPAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientWlanService(4)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- INTEGER   apClientSNR(5)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientDeviceFamily(6)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientOS(7)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Integer32 apClientUptime(8)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxFrames(9)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxBytes(10)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxRate(11)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxRetries(12)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxFrames(13)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxBytes(14)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxRate(15)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxRetries(16)
            |     |        |           |
            |     |        |           +--deviceNGOAWAp1251D(7)
            |     |        |           |  |
            |     |        |           |  +--apInfo(1)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apBaseInfo(1)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apMacAddress(1)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apSysName(2)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- NetAddr   apIPAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apGroupName(4)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apModel(5)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apSerial(6)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apMemoryUtilization(7)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apCpuUtilization(8)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- Integer32 apSysUpTime(9)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apRadioInfo(2)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +--apRadioInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |     |     |
            |     |        |           |     |     +--ApRadioInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |  Index: apRadioIndex
            |     |        |           |     |        |
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- ---- Integer32 apRadioIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apRadioMacAddress(2)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioBand(3)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioChannel(4)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioTxpower(5)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioUtilization(6)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxTotalFrames(7)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxManagementFrames(8)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxDataFrames(9)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxBytes(10)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxDrops(11)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxTotalFrames(12)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxManagementFrames(13)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxDataFrames(14)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxBytes(15)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxBadFrames(16)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apWlanInfo(3)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +--apWlanInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |     |     |
            |     |        |           |     |     +--ApWlanInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |  Index: apWlanIndex
            |     |        |           |     |        |
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- ---- Integer32 apWlanIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apWlanEssid(2)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apWlanMacAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanTxTotalFrames(4)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanTxBytes(5)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanRxTotalFrames(6)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanRxBytes(7)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apClientInfo(4)
            |     |        |           |        |
            |     |        |           |        +--apClientInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |           |
            |     |        |           |           +--ApClientInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |              |  Index: apClientIndex
            |     |        |           |              |
            |     |        |           |              +-- ---- Integer32 apClientIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |              |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientMacAddress(2)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- NetAddr   apClientIPAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientWlanService(4)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- INTEGER   apClientSNR(5)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientDeviceFamily(6)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientOS(7)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Integer32 apClientUptime(8)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxFrames(9)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxBytes(10)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxRate(11)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxRetries(12)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxFrames(13)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxBytes(14)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxRate(15)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxRetries(16)
            |     |        |           |
            |     |        |           +--deviceNGOAWAp1201H(8)
            |     |        |           |  |
            |     |        |           |  +--apInfo(1)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apBaseInfo(1)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apMacAddress(1)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apSysName(2)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- NetAddr   apIPAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apGroupName(4)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apModel(5)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apSerial(6)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apMemoryUtilization(7)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- String    apCpuUtilization(8)
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |  +-- -R-- Integer32 apSysUpTime(9)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apRadioInfo(2)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +--apRadioInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |     |     |
            |     |        |           |     |     +--ApRadioInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |  Index: apRadioIndex
            |     |        |           |     |        |
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- ---- Integer32 apRadioIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apRadioMacAddress(2)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioBand(3)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioChannel(4)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioTxpower(5)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioUtilization(6)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxTotalFrames(7)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxManagementFrames(8)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxDataFrames(9)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxBytes(10)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxDrops(11)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxTotalFrames(12)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxManagementFrames(13)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxDataFrames(14)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxBytes(15)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxBadFrames(16)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apWlanInfo(3)
            |     |        |           |     |  |
            |     |        |           |     |  +--apWlanInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |     |     |
            |     |        |           |     |     +--ApWlanInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |  Index: apWlanIndex
            |     |        |           |     |        |
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- ---- Integer32 apWlanIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apWlanEssid(2)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- String    apWlanMacAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |     |        |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanTxTotalFrames(4)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanTxBytes(5)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanRxTotalFrames(6)
            |     |        |           |     |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanRxBytes(7)
            |     |        |           |     |
            |     |        |           |     +--apClientInfo(4)
            |     |        |           |        |
            |     |        |           |        +--apClientInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |           |           |
            |     |        |           |           +--ApClientInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |           |              |  Index: apClientIndex
            |     |        |           |              |
            |     |        |           |              +-- ---- Integer32 apClientIndex(1)
            |     |        |           |              |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientMacAddress(2)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- NetAddr   apClientIPAddress(3)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientWlanService(4)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- INTEGER   apClientSNR(5)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientDeviceFamily(6)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- String    apClientOS(7)
            |     |        |           |              |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |           |              |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Integer32 apClientUptime(8)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxFrames(9)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxBytes(10)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxRate(11)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxRetries(12)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxFrames(13)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxBytes(14)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxRate(15)
            |     |        |           |              +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxRetries(16)
            |     |        |           |
            |     |        |           +--deviceNGOAWAp1201(9)
            |     |        |              |
            |     |        |              +--apInfo(1)
            |     |        |                 |
            |     |        |                 +--apBaseInfo(1)
            |     |        |                 |  |
            |     |        |                 |  +-- -R-- String    apMacAddress(1)
            |     |        |                 |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |                 |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |                 |  +-- -R-- String    apSysName(2)
            |     |        |                 |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |                 |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |                 |  +-- -R-- NetAddr   apIPAddress(3)
            |     |        |                 |  +-- -R-- String    apGroupName(4)
            |     |        |                 |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |                 |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |                 |  +-- -R-- String    apModel(5)
            |     |        |                 |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |                 |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |                 |  +-- -R-- String    apSerial(6)
            |     |        |                 |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |                 |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |                 |  +-- -R-- String    apMemoryUtilization(7)
            |     |        |                 |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |                 |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |                 |  +-- -R-- String    apCpuUtilization(8)
            |     |        |                 |  |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |                 |  |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |                 |  +-- -R-- Integer32 apSysUpTime(9)
            |     |        |                 |
            |     |        |                 +--apRadioInfo(2)
            |     |        |                 |  |
            |     |        |                 |  +--apRadioInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |                 |     |
            |     |        |                 |     +--ApRadioInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |                 |        |  Index: apRadioIndex
            |     |        |                 |        |
            |     |        |                 |        +-- ---- Integer32 apRadioIndex(1)
            |     |        |                 |        |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |                 |        +-- -R-- String    apRadioMacAddress(2)
            |     |        |                 |        |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |                 |        |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |                 |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioBand(3)
            |     |        |                 |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioChannel(4)
            |     |        |                 |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioTxpower(5)
            |     |        |                 |        +-- -R-- INTEGER   apRadioUtilization(6)
            |     |        |                 |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxTotalFrames(7)
            |     |        |                 |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxManagementFrames(8)
            |     |        |                 |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxDataFrames(9)
            |     |        |                 |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxBytes(10)
            |     |        |                 |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioTxDrops(11)
            |     |        |                 |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxTotalFrames(12)
            |     |        |                 |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxManagementFrames(13)
            |     |        |                 |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxDataFrames(14)
            |     |        |                 |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxBytes(15)
            |     |        |                 |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apRadioRxBadFrames(16)
            |     |        |                 |
            |     |        |                 +--apWlanInfo(3)
            |     |        |                 |  |
            |     |        |                 |  +--apWlanInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |                 |     |
            |     |        |                 |     +--ApWlanInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |                 |        |  Index: apWlanIndex
            |     |        |                 |        |
            |     |        |                 |        +-- ---- Integer32 apWlanIndex(1)
            |     |        |                 |        |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |                 |        +-- -R-- String    apWlanEssid(2)
            |     |        |                 |        +-- -R-- String    apWlanMacAddress(3)
            |     |        |                 |        |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |                 |        |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |                 |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanTxTotalFrames(4)
            |     |        |                 |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanTxBytes(5)
            |     |        |                 |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanRxTotalFrames(6)
            |     |        |                 |        +-- -R-- Counter64 apWlanRxBytes(7)
            |     |        |                 |
            |     |        |                 +--apClientInfo(4)
            |     |        |                    |
            |     |        |                    +--apClientInfoTable(1)
            |     |        |                       |
            |     |        |                       +--ApClientInfoEntry(1)
            |     |        |                          |  Index: apClientIndex
            |     |        |                          |
            |     |        |                          +-- ---- Integer32 apClientIndex(1)
            |     |        |                          |        Range: 1..20
            |     |        |                          +-- -R-- String    apClientMacAddress(2)
            |     |        |                          |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |                          |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |                          +-- -R-- NetAddr   apClientIPAddress(3)
            |     |        |                          +-- -R-- String    apClientWlanService(4)
            |     |        |                          |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |                          |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |                          +-- -R-- INTEGER   apClientSNR(5)
            |     |        |                          +-- -R-- String    apClientDeviceFamily(6)
            |     |        |                          |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |                          |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |                          +-- -R-- String    apClientOS(7)
            |     |        |                          |        Textual Convention: DisplayString
            |     |        |                          |        Size: 0..255
            |     |        |                          +-- -R-- Integer32 apClientUptime(8)
            |     |        |                          +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxFrames(9)
            |     |        |                          +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxBytes(10)
            |     |        |                          +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxRate(11)
            |     |        |                          +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientTxRetries(12)
            |     |        |                          +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxFrames(13)
            |     |        |                          +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxBytes(14)
            |     |        |                          +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxRate(15)
            |     |        |                          +-- -R-- Counter64 apClientRxRetries(16)
            |     |        |
            |     |        +--managementNGOAWSoftware(2)
            |     |        |  +--softwareNGOAWEntities(1)
            |     |        |  +--softwareNGOAWServices(2)
            |     |        |
            |     |        +--managementNGOAWAgentCapabilities(4)
            |     |

We walk the line ... :)

mbp:ALE-MIB-1.0.2-benny-edition BennyE$ snmpget -v 2c -c stellar2019 -m ALL -M +. .
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioMacAddress = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID
mbp:ALE-MIB-1.0.2-benny-edition BennyE$ snmpget -v 2c -c stellar2019 -m ALL -M +. .
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioBand = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID
mbp:ALE-MIB-1.0.2-benny-edition BennyE$ snmpget -v 2c -c stellar2019 -m ALL -M +. .
AP-1221-MIB::ApRadioInfoEntry = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID
mbp:ALE-MIB-1.0.2-benny-edition BennyE$ snmpwalk -v 2c -c stellar2019 -m ALL -M +. .
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioIndex.13 = INTEGER: 13
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioIndex.14 = INTEGER: 14
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioMacAddress.13 = STRING: 34:E7:0B:03:D0:60
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioMacAddress.14 = STRING: 34:E7:0B:03:D0:68
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioBand.13 = Wrong Type (should be INTEGER): STRING: "2G"
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioBand.14 = Wrong Type (should be INTEGER): STRING: "5G"
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioChannel.13 = INTEGER: 6
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioChannel.14 = INTEGER: 100
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxpower.13 = INTEGER: 17
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxpower.14 = INTEGER: 23
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioUtilization.13 = INTEGER: 17
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioUtilization.14 = INTEGER: 1
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxTotalFrames.13 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 5282799
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxTotalFrames.14 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 8814782
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxManagementFrames.13 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 5282799
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxManagementFrames.14 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 5295118
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxDataFrames.13 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxDataFrames.14 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 3451303
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxBytes.13 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxBytes.14 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: -736483127
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxDrops.13 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxDrops.14 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 98
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioRxTotalFrames.13 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 28275417
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioRxTotalFrames.14 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 42184070
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioRxManagementFrames.13 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 28275417
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioRxManagementFrames.14 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 36816877
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioRxDataFrames.13 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioRxDataFrames.14 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 2508758
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioRxBytes.13 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioRxBytes.14 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 790475521
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioRxBadFrames.13 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioRxBadFrames.14 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 6802
mbp:ALE-MIB-1.0.2-benny-edition BennyE$ 
mbp:ALE-MIB-1.0.2-benny-edition BennyE$ snmpwalk -v 2c -c stellar2019 -m ALL -M +. .
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioIndex.13 = INTEGER: 13
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioIndex.14 = INTEGER: 14
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioMacAddress.13 = STRING: 34:E7:0B:03:D0:60
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioMacAddress.14 = STRING: 34:E7:0B:03:D0:68
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioBand.13 = Wrong Type (should be INTEGER): STRING: "2G"
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioBand.14 = Wrong Type (should be INTEGER): STRING: "5G"
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioChannel.13 = INTEGER: 6
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioChannel.14 = INTEGER: 100
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxpower.13 = INTEGER: 17
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxpower.14 = INTEGER: 23
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioUtilization.13 = INTEGER: 12
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioUtilization.14 = INTEGER: 1
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxTotalFrames.13 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 5283216
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxTotalFrames.14 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 8815316
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxManagementFrames.13 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 5283216
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxManagementFrames.14 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 5295529
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxDataFrames.13 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxDataFrames.14 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 3451416
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxBytes.13 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxBytes.14 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: -736456184
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxDrops.13 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioTxDrops.14 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 98
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioRxTotalFrames.13 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 28277748
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioRxTotalFrames.14 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 42185581
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioRxManagementFrames.13 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 28277748
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioRxManagementFrames.14 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 36818044
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioRxDataFrames.13 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioRxDataFrames.14 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 2508886
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioRxBytes.13 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioRxBytes.14 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 790494328
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioRxBadFrames.13 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apRadioRxBadFrames.14 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 6803
mbp:ALE-MIB-1.0.2-benny-edition BennyE$ snmpwalk -v 2c -c stellar2019 -m ALL -M +. .
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanIndex.18 = INTEGER: 18
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanIndex.19 = INTEGER: 19
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanIndex.20 = INTEGER: 20
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanIndex.21 = INTEGER: 21
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanEssid.18 = STRING: "athscan0"
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanEssid.19 = STRING: "athscan1"
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanEssid.20 = STRING: "V11-Home"
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanEssid.21 = STRING: "V11-Home"
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanMacAddress.18 = STRING: 34:E7:0B:03:D0:60
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanMacAddress.19 = STRING: 34:E7:0B:03:D0:68
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanMacAddress.20 = STRING: 34:E7:0B:03:D0:61
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanMacAddress.21 = STRING: 34:E7:0B:03:D0:69
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanTxTotalFrames.18 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanTxTotalFrames.19 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanTxTotalFrames.20 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanTxTotalFrames.21 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 3451448
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanTxBytes.18 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanTxBytes.19 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanTxBytes.20 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanTxBytes.21 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: -736451510
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanRxTotalFrames.18 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanRxTotalFrames.19 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanRxTotalFrames.20 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanRxTotalFrames.21 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 2508918
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanRxBytes.18 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanRxBytes.19 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanRxBytes.20 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apWlanRxBytes.21 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 790497624
mbp:ALE-MIB-1.0.2-benny-edition BennyE$ snmpwalk -v 2c -c stellar2019 -m ALL -M +. .
AP-1221-MIB::apClientIndex.1 = INTEGER: 1
AP-1221-MIB::apClientIndex.2 = INTEGER: 2
AP-1221-MIB::apClientMacAddress.1 = STRING: 60:f8:1d:ce:5e:26
AP-1221-MIB::apClientMacAddress.2 = STRING: b0:ca:68:aa:53:fc
AP-1221-MIB::apClientIPAddress.1 = Wrong Type (should be NetworkAddress): STRING: ""
AP-1221-MIB::apClientIPAddress.2 = Wrong Type (should be NetworkAddress): STRING: ""
AP-1221-MIB::apClientWlanService.1 = STRING: V11-Home
AP-1221-MIB::apClientWlanService.2 = STRING: V11-Home
AP-1221-MIB::apClientSNR.1 = INTEGER: 40
AP-1221-MIB::apClientSNR.2 = INTEGER: 57
AP-1221-MIB::apClientDeviceFamily.1 = STRING: BenjaminsMBP381
AP-1221-MIB::apClientDeviceFamily.2 = STRING: Benny
AP-1221-MIB::apClientOS.1 = STRING: Mac OS
AP-1221-MIB::apClientOS.2 = STRING: 
AP-1221-MIB::apClientUptime.1 = INTEGER: 3551
AP-1221-MIB::apClientUptime.2 = INTEGER: 3971
AP-1221-MIB::apClientTxFrames.1 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 24455
AP-1221-MIB::apClientTxFrames.2 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 2117
AP-1221-MIB::apClientTxBytes.1 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 17534844
AP-1221-MIB::apClientTxBytes.2 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 1509020
AP-1221-MIB::apClientTxRate.1 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 975000
AP-1221-MIB::apClientTxRate.2 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 433000
AP-1221-MIB::apClientTxRetries.1 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apClientTxRetries.2 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apClientRxFrames.1 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 28539
AP-1221-MIB::apClientRxFrames.2 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 3849
AP-1221-MIB::apClientRxBytes.1 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 4480782
AP-1221-MIB::apClientRxBytes.2 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 643448
AP-1221-MIB::apClientRxRate.1 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 1053000
AP-1221-MIB::apClientRxRate.2 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 390000
AP-1221-MIB::apClientRxRetries.1 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0
AP-1221-MIB::apClientRxRetries.2 = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): INTEGER: 0