====== Modify the administrative port state via SNMP ======
This TechTip has been written based on the following hardware and AOS software:
OS6850-48L-Lab-> show chassis
Chassis 1
Model Name: OS6850-48L,
Description: 48 10/100,
Part Number: 902545-90,
Hardware Revision: 02,
Serial Number: H12xxxxx,
Manufacture Date: MAR 22 2007,
Admin Status: POWER ON,
Operational Status: UP,
Number Of Resets: 81
MAC Address: 00:e0:b1:xx:xx:xx,
OS6850-48L-Lab-> show microcode
Package Release Size Description
Kbase.img 18614259 Alcatel-Lucent Base Software
Kadvrout.img 2878998 Alcatel-Lucent Advanced Routing
K2os.img 1959603 Alcatel-Lucent OS
Keni.img 5760585 Alcatel-Lucent NI software
Ksecu.img 649215 Alcatel-Lucent Security Management
Kencrypt.img 3437 Alcatel-Lucent Encryption Management
At the very beginning we'll create a user that has rights to use SNMP:
OS6850-48L-Lab-> user snmp password snmp12345 no auth read-write all
OS6850-48L-Lab-> show user
User name = snmp,
Password expiration = None,
Password allow to be modified date = None,
Account lockout = None,
Password bad attempts = 0,
Read Only for domains = None,
Read/Write for domains = All ,
Snmp allowed = YES,
Snmp authentication = NONE,
Snmp encryption = NONE,
Console-Only = Disabled
In live networks we strongly suggest to use SNMPv3!
Enable SNMPv2 access via "public" community and map it to user:
OS6850-48L-Lab-> snmp community map public user snmp enable
In the next step we instruct the switch to authenticate the user against local database:
OS6850-48L-Lab-> aaa authentication default local
OS6850-48L-Lab-> show aaa authentication
Service type = Default
1rst authentication server = local
Service type = Console
1rst authentication server = local
Service type = Telnet
Authentication = Use Default,
1rst authentication server = local
Service type = Ftp
Authentication = Use Default,
1rst authentication server = local
Service type = Http
Authentication = Use Default,
1rst authentication server = local
Service type = Snmp
Authentication = Use Default,
1rst authentication server = local
Service type = Ssh
Authentication = Use Default,
1rst authentication server = local
In live networks you should use RADIUS authentication!
As we need to reach the OmniSwitch via SNMP, we create an IP-Interface:
OS6850-48L-Lab-> ip interface vlan-1 address vlan 1
The following tests shows that SNMP works as expected:
localhost:OS6850&OS6850E_644569R01 benny$ snmpwalk -v 2c -c public
SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 = STRING: Alcatel-Lucent OS6850-48L Service Release, October 29, 2012.
SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0 = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.6486.800.
DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (172600) 0:28:46.00
SNMPv2-MIB::sysContact.0 = STRING: Benny Eggerstedt - Alcatel-Lucent
SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0 = STRING: OS6850-48L-Lab
SNMPv2-MIB::sysLocation.0 = STRING: Hamburg
SNMPv2-MIB::sysServices.0 = INTEGER: 78
IF-MIB::ifNumber.0 = INTEGER: 51
IF-MIB::ifIndex.1001 = INTEGER: 1001
Assuming that we want to modify/verify the administrative port state of 1/3, we first need to find the corresponding MIB-OBJECT.
Der Slot/Port 1/3 wird dabei durch 1003 repräsentiert, 2003 wäre 2/3 usw.
The slot/port 1/3 is represented as 1003, while 2003 would be slot/port 2/3 etc.
We identfy the MIB through the "Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch AOS 6.4.4.R01 CLI Reference Guide" simply by searching for the CLI command that we want to apply via SNMP:
interfaces {slot | slot/port[-port2]} admin {up | down}
MIB Objects
We can simply identify the corresponding OID ([[english:converting-mib-to-oid-and-oid-to-mib-through-aos-cli|]]) and add the port to it:
localhost:OS6850&OS6850E_644569R01 benny$ snmpget -v 2c -c public
IF-MIB::ifAdminStatus.1003 = INTEGER: up(1)
The same could be achieved through CLI:
OS6850-48L-Lab-> show interfaces 1/3 port
Legends: WTR - Wait To Restore
# - WTR Timer is Running & Port is in wait-to-restore state
* - Permanent Shutdown
Slot/ Admin Link Violations Recovery Recovery WTR Alias
Port Status Status Time Max (sec)
1/3 enable up none 300 10 0 ""
If you review the MIB, you can find out the parameters that are available via SNMP:
ifAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
up(1), -- ready to pass packets
testing(3) -- in some test mode
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The desired state of the interface. The testing(3) state
indicates that no operational packets can be passed. When a
managed system initializes, all interfaces start with
ifAdminStatus in the down(2) state. As a result of either
explicit management action or per configuration information
retained by the managed system, ifAdminStatus is then
changed to either the up(1) or testing(3) states (or remains
in the down(2) state)."
::= { ifEntry 7 }
If you now modify the administrative port state via SNMP to down(2), you'll observe the same on CLI immediately:
localhost:OS6850&OS6850E_644569R01 benny$ snmpset -v 2c -c public i 2
IF-MIB::ifAdminStatus.1003 = INTEGER: down(2)
localhost:OS6850&OS6850E_644569R01 benny$ snmpget -v 2c -c public
IF-MIB::ifAdminStatus.1003 = INTEGER: down(2)
OS6850-48L-Lab-> show interfaces 1/3 port
Legends: WTR - Wait To Restore
# - WTR Timer is Running & Port is in wait-to-restore state
* - Permanent Shutdown
Slot/ Admin Link Violations Recovery Recovery WTR Alias
Port Status Status Time Max (sec)
1/3 disable down none 300 10 0 ""
You can set the administrative port state back to up(1) the same way:
localhost:OS6850&OS6850E_644569R01 benny$ snmpset -v 2c -c public i 1
IF-MIB::ifAdminStatus.1003 = INTEGER: up(1)
OS6850-48L-Lab-> show interfaces 1/3 port
Legends: WTR - Wait To Restore
# - WTR Timer is Running & Port is in wait-to-restore state
* - Permanent Shutdown
Slot/ Admin Link Violations Recovery Recovery WTR Alias
Port Status Status Time Max (sec)
1/3 enable up none 300 10 0 ""