#!/bin/env python import sys import traceback import urllib import urllib2 import cookielib try: import json except: import simplejson as json import re import getopt from xml.dom.minidom import parseString from time import time, sleep from pprint import pprint try: from prettytable import PrettyTable pretty_tables = True except: pretty_tables = False """ # TODO Original check-in (SS: Server-side, CS: Client-side, ALL: Both sides): '*'' = 'todo' / '='' = 'done' = [SS ] Get with limit=1, twice: do we get the same value due to GetNextAsGet? = [ALL] Versioning needs to be added = [ALL] Add XML support! = [ALL] Caching headers? = [SS ] check what happens when empty username is provided: guarded in web_service = [SS ] what happens when mibObjectx: contains an empty value? (likely use case) = [SS ] Map /info/! = [ALL] error even with prettylinks off. Read mibTable == ? = [ALL] CLI: unable to execute CLI commands via web service = [ALL] CLI error: message improperly wrapped in message? = [CS ] User name: userName v. username? = [SS ] API call without being logged in returns login page = [CS ] Check login call return # MANUAL ## Compatibility Python 2.4, Python 2.7 ### Python 2.4 compatibility This library was created for a recent version of Python (2.7) However, many Linux distros still offer an older version (2.4) and nothing more recent. Thus, the script was adapted to work with Python 2.4 with the following caveat: Python 2.4 will require a third-party library: simplejson This library may already be installed; it may be the wrong version (recent versions break 2.4 compatibility) Provided you have pip installed, here is how to work with the proper version: virtualenv virtual_env cd virtual_env . bin/activate pip install simplejson==2.3.0 ### Ternary operator This code, to maintain compatibility with older versions of Python, uses a hack since the ternary operator appeared belatedly. This code was written to be compatible, not performant. lambda x,y:(lambda:my false expr, lambda:my true expr)[condition]() ## Dependencies Another package, optional with any version of Python, is prettytable: http://code.google.com/p/prettytable/ If it is not installed, the sample code's display will not be rendered as nicely. """ class AOSException(Exception): pass class AOSErrorHandler(urllib2.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler): def http_error_default(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers): result = urllib2.HTTPError( req.get_full_url(), code, msg, headers, fp) result.status = code #print "CODE: %d" % code #print "MSG: %s" % msg #pprint(headers) return result class AOSRedirectHandler(urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler): def http_error_redirect(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers): raise AOSException("ERROR:\n" "A redirect was detected while communicating with the web service.\n" "This is most likely due to a mismatch between the local '--nossl' and the remote 'webview force-ssl' settings.\n" "Please make sure that both producer and consumer agree on a common security level.") #return urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_302(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers) http_error_301 = http_error_302 = http_error_303 = http_error_307 = http_error_redirect class AOSXMLDecoder(dict): def __init__(self, node): self[node.nodeName] = self.xml2dict(node) # Despite its name, sometimes this method will return a string. def xml2dict(self, node): if len(node.childNodes) == 1 and node.firstChild.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: return node.firstChild.nodeValue else: cur_node_dict = {} for child in node.childNodes: nodeName = child.nodeName if child.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE: if child.hasAttributes() and 'name' in child.attributes.keys(): nodeName = child.attributes['name'].nodeValue child_dict = self.xml2dict(child) if nodeName in cur_node_dict.keys(): cur_node_dict[nodeName].append(child_dict) else: cur_node_dict.setdefault(nodeName, child_dict) if len(cur_node_dict) == 0: cur_node_dict = '' return cur_node_dict class AOSHeaders(dict): def __init__(self, config): self['Accept'] = 'application/vnd.alcatellucentaos+%s; version=%s' % ( (AOSAPI.ENC_DEFAULT, AOSAPI.ENC_ALT)[config[AOSAPI.ENC_ALT]], config['api']) vrf = config.get('vrf') if vrf is not None: self['ALU-context'] = "vrf=%s" % vrf class AOSConnection(object): USER_AGENT = "'AOSConsumer/1.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)'" def __init__(self, username, password, hostaddress, secure=True, obeyproxy=True, prettylinks=True, useport=-1, aosheaders=None, linger=0, debug=False): self.username = username self.password = password self.hostaddress = hostaddress self.secure = secure self.obeyproxy = obeyproxy self.prettylinks = prettylinks self.useport = useport self.aosheaders = aosheaders self.linger = linger self.debug = debug # cookiejar is public so that we can inspect it # should anything go wrong self.cookiejar = cookielib.LWPCookieJar() if obeyproxy: urllib2.install_opener( urllib2.build_opener( urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(self.cookiejar), urllib2.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=0), AOSErrorHandler(), AOSRedirectHandler())) else: urllib2.install_opener( urllib2.build_opener( urllib2.ProxyHandler({}), urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(self.cookiejar), urllib2.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=0), AOSErrorHandler(), AOSRedirectHandler())) def endpoint(self): #return "%s://%s/index.php?action=" % ("https" if self.secure == True else "http", self.hostaddress) return "%s://%s%s/" % (("http", "https")[self.secure == True], self.hostaddress, ('', ':' + str(self.useport))[str(self.useport) != '-1']) def headers(self, request): if self.aosheaders is not None: for aheader in self.aosheaders: request.add_header(aheader, self.aosheaders[aheader]) return request def delete(self, domain, urn, data): if self.debug: print "DELETE Request: [%s]" % ( self.endpoint() + ('?domain=' + domain, domain)[self.prettylinks] + (('', '&urn=' + urn)[urn != ''], ('/?', '/' + urn + '?')[urn != ''])[self.prettylinks]) print urllib.urlencode(data) request = urllib2.Request( self.endpoint() + ('?domain=' + domain, domain)[self.prettylinks] + (('', '&urn=' + urn)[urn != ''], ('/?', '/' + urn + '?')[urn != ''])[self.prettylinks], urllib.urlencode(data), {'User-Agent': self.USER_AGENT}) request.get_method = lambda: 'DELETE' request = self.headers(request) return urllib2.urlopen(request) def put(self, domain, urn, data): if self.debug: print "PUT Request: [%s]" % ( self.endpoint() + ('?domain=' + domain, domain)[self.prettylinks] + (('', '&urn=' + urn)[urn != ''], ('/?', '/' + urn + '?')[urn != ''])[self.prettylinks]) print urllib.urlencode(data) request = urllib2.Request( self.endpoint() + ('?domain=' + domain, domain)[self.prettylinks] + (('', '&urn=' + urn)[urn != ''], ('/?', '/' + urn + '?')[urn != ''])[self.prettylinks], urllib.urlencode(data), {'User-Agent': self.USER_AGENT}) request.get_method = lambda: 'PUT' request = self.headers(request) return urllib2.urlopen(request) def post(self, domain, urn, data): if self.debug: print "POST Request: [%s]" % ( self.endpoint() + ('?domain=' + domain, domain)[self.prettylinks] + (('', '&urn=' + urn)[urn != ''], ('/?', '/' + urn + '?')[urn != ''])[self.prettylinks]) print urllib.urlencode(data) request = urllib2.Request( self.endpoint() + ('?domain=' + domain, domain)[self.prettylinks] + (('', '&urn=' + urn)[urn != ''], ('/?', '/' + urn + '?')[urn != ''])[self.prettylinks], urllib.urlencode(data), {'User-Agent': self.USER_AGENT}) request = self.headers(request) return urllib2.urlopen(request) def get(self, domain, urn = '', args = {}): if self.debug: print "GET Request: [%s%s%s%s]" % ( self.endpoint(), ('?domain=' + domain, domain)[self.prettylinks], (('', '&urn=' + urn)[urn != ''], ('/?', '/' + urn + '?')[urn != ''])[self.prettylinks], ('&' + urllib.urlencode(args), '')[not args]) request = urllib2.Request( "%s%s%s%s" % ( self.endpoint(), ('?domain=' + domain, domain)[self.prettylinks], (('', '&urn=' + urn)[urn != ''], ('/?', '/' + urn + '?')[urn != ''])[self.prettylinks], ('&' + urllib.urlencode(args), '')[not args])) request.add_header('User-Agent', self.USER_AGENT) request = self.headers(request) return urllib2.urlopen(request) class AOSAPI(object): ENC_JSON = "json" ENC_XML = "xml" # Switch these two to make the other the default consumer encoding scheme ENC_DEFAULT = ENC_XML ENC_ALT = ENC_JSON def __init__(self, connection): self.connection = connection self.cruft = re.compile('[\n]{0,1}') self.ws_diag = 200 def login(self): result = self.query('auth', '', {'username':self.connection.username, 'password':self.connection.password}) # Bad result? Let me stop you right there... if not self.success(): raise AOSException(result['result']['error']) """ # This would have been the 'scrapy' way: result = self.connection.post('login', { 'userName': self.connection.username, 'password': self.connection.password}) data = result.read() if data.find("Authentication failure") > -1: raise AOSException("Authentication failure.") """ def logout(self): if self.connection.linger > 0: if self.connection.debug: print "Lingering for %d seconds" % int(self.connection.linger) sleep(float(self.connection.linger)) self.query('auth') def query(self, domain, urn = '', args = {}): result = self.connection.get(domain, urn, args) try: obj = self.decode_type( result.info(), result.read()) except ValueError, e: print "Error decoding [%s]" % result.read() raise return obj def post(self, domain, urn = '', args = {}): result = self.connection.post(domain, urn, args) try: obj = self.decode_type( result.info(), result.read()) except ValueError, e: print "Error decoding [%s]" % result.read() raise return obj def put(self, domain, urn = '', args = {}): result = self.connection.put(domain, urn, args) try: obj = self.decode_type( result.info(), result.read()) except ValueError, e: print "Error decoding [%s]" % result.read() raise return obj def delete(self, domain, urn = '', args = {}): result = self.connection.delete(domain, urn, args) try: obj = self.decode_type( result.info(), result.read()) except ValueError, e: print "Error decoding [%s]" % result.read() raise return obj # UTIL def store_ws_diag(self, ws_diag): if isinstance(ws_diag, (str, unicode)): self.ws_diag = int(ws_diag) else: self.ws_diag = ws_diag def diag(self): return self.ws_diag # TODO Various 20x def success(self): return self.ws_diag == 200 def decode_type(self, info, data): if self.connection.debug: print('Raw Response: '), pprint(data) clean_data = self.cruft.sub('', data) # Be strict when you write, # forgiving when you read: # If *someone* killed our content-type header, # assume latest version, XML-encoded. enc_type = info.gettype().replace('application/vnd.alcatellucentaos+', '') if not enc_type in [AOSAPI.ENC_ALT, AOSAPI.ENC_DEFAULT]: enc_type = AOSAPI.ENC_DEFAULT if enc_type == AOSAPI.ENC_XML: dom = parseString(clean_data) decoded = AOSXMLDecoder(dom.getElementsByTagName("result")[0]) else: decoded = json.loads(clean_data) #pprint(decoded) if decoded.get('result') is not None and decoded['result'].get('diag') is not None: self.store_ws_diag(decoded['result']['diag']) return decoded class WSConsumer(object): API_VERSION = '1.0' def __init__(self, config, argv): if len(argv) < 3: self.usage("A consumer needs two arguments or more.") else: self.config = config self.config['api'] = self.API_VERSION if self.config.get('secure') is None: self.config['secure'] = True if self.config.get('obeyproxy') is None: self.config['obeyproxy'] = True if self.config.get('prettylinks') is None: self.config['prettylinks'] = True if self.config.get(AOSAPI.ENC_ALT) is None: self.config[AOSAPI.ENC_ALT] = False if self.config.get('linger') is None: self.config['linger'] = 0 if self.config.get('debug') is None: self.config['debug'] = False try: {"mib":self.mibquery, "cli":self.cliquery, "onetouch":self.otquery, "file":self.batchfile}[argv[1]](argv[2:]) except KeyError, e: print e self.usage() except AOSException, e: print e def usage(self, msg=None): if msg is not None: print "\n%s" % msg print "\nArguments: " print " mib " print " mib " print " cli \"\"" print " onetouch <...>" print " file " print "" print "Options: [-s|--server ]" print " [-u|--username ]" print " [-p|--password ]" print " [--startindex ]" print " [--limit ]" print " [--vrf ]" print " [--noproxy]" print " [--noprettylinks]" print " [--nossl]" print " [--port ]" print " [--sim]" print " [--linger ]" print " [--debug]" #print " [--scalar]" print " [--modify]" print " [--create]" print " [--delete]" print " [--info]" print " [--%s]" % AOSAPI.ENC_ALT print "" print "OneTouch:" print " vlan" print " vlan \"\" --create" print " vlan --modify" print " vlan --delete" print " interface" print " interface \"\" --create" print " interface --modify" print " interface \"\" --delete" print " assign" print " assign tagged|untagged --create" print " assign --delete" print " speed" print " speed auto|10|100|1000|max100|max1000 auto|half|full --modify" print " linkagg" print " linkagg \"\" static\n source-mac|destination-mac|source+destination-mac|\n sourcee-ip|destination-ip|source+destination-ip|\n tunnel-protocol enable|disable --create" print " linkagg \"\" LACP\n source-mac|destination-mac|source+destination-mac|\n sourcee-ip|destination-ip|source+destination-ip|\n tunnel-protocol enable|disable\n \n --create" print " linkagg --modify" print " linkagg --delete" print " portagg" print " portagg --create" print " portagg --delete" print " traffic" print " status" print " configuration" print "Notes:" print " You cannot change vlan type after creation" print " A link aggregation size can be 2/4/8" def printerrors(self, diag, errs): print "ERROR#%d:" % diag if isinstance(errs, (str, unicode)): print "- %s" % errs else: for err in errs: if err.isdigit(): print "- %s" % errs[err] else: print "- %s" % err def otquery(self, argv): try: if self.config.get('modify'): {"vlan":self.otpostquery_vlan, "speed":self.otpostquery_speed, "linkagg":self.otpostquery_linkagg, "interface":self.otpostquery_interface}[argv[0]](argv[1:]) elif self.config.get('create'): {"vlan":self.otputquery_vlan, "assign":self.otputquery_assign, "linkagg":self.otputquery_linkagg, "portagg":self.otputquery_portagg, "interface":self.otputquery_interface}[argv[0]](argv[1:]) elif self.config.get('delete'): {"vlan":self.otdeletequery_vlan, "assign":self.otdeletequery_assign, "linkagg":self.otdeletequery_linkagg, "portagg":self.otdeletequery_portagg, "interface":self.otdeletequery_interface}[argv[0]](argv[1:]) else: {"vlan":self.otgetquery_vlan, "assign":self.otgetquery_assign, "speed":self.otgetquery_speed, "linkagg":self.otgetquery_linkagg, "portagg":self.otgetquery_portagg, "traffic":self.otgetquery_traffic, "status":self.otgetquery_status, "configuration":self.otgetquery_configuration, "interface":self.otgetquery_interface}[argv[0]](argv[1:]) except: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() if exc_type == KeyError: self.usage("Wrong key. Likely due to wrong onetouch command.") traceback.print_tb(exc_traceback, limit=100, file=sys.stdout) else: if self.config.get('debug'): print "---------------------------------------------------------\nException: %s\nTraceback follows:" % exc_value traceback.print_tb(exc_traceback, limit=100, file=sys.stdout) print "---------------------------------------------------------" else: raise def batchfile(self, argv): re_cliormib = re.compile('(cli|mib[\+|\-|\=]{0,1})\s(.*)') dequoter = lambda s: re.sub('^"|"$', '', s) api = AOSAPI(AOSConnection(self.config['username'], self.config['password'], self.config['server'], self.config['secure'], self.config['obeyproxy'], self.config['prettylinks'], self.config['port'], AOSHeaders(self.config), self.config['linger'], self.config['debug'])) api.login() print "Authenticated..." for line in [raw_line.strip() for raw_line in open(argv[0], 'r')]: for action in ('create', 'delete', 'modify'): if self.config.get(action): del self.config[action] if self.config.get('debug'): print "Line: [%s]" % line matches = re_cliormib.match(line) if matches: if matches.group(1) == 'cli': self.cliquery([dequoter(matches.group(2))], api) elif matches.group(1)[:3] == 'mib': if matches.group(1)[-1] == '+': self.config['create'] = True elif matches.group(1)[-1] == '-': self.config['delete'] = True elif matches.group(1)[-1] == '=': self.config['modify'] = True self.mibquery(matches.group(2).split(), api) if not api.success(): if self.config.get('debug'): print "Interrupting batch execution due to error detected." break api.logout() # ONETOUCH VLANS # def otdeletequery_vlan(self, argv): self.mibdeletequery(['vlanTable', 'vlanNumber:' + argv[0]]) def otpostquery_vlan(self, argv): self.mibpostquery(['vlanTable', 'vlanNumber:' + argv[0], argv[1] + ':' + self.pack(argv[1], argv[2])]) def otputquery_vlan(self, argv): self.mibputquery(['vlanTable', 'vlanNumber:' + argv[0], 'vlanDescription:' + argv[1], 'vlanAdmStatus:1', 'vlanType:5']) def otgetquery_vlan(self, argv): self.mibgetquery(['vlanTable', 'vlanNumber', 'vlanDescription', 'vlanAdmStatus', 'vlanOperStatus', 'vlanRouterStatus', 'vlanSrcLearningStatus', 'vlanType', 'vlanMtu']) # ONETOUCH PORT ASSOCIATION # def otdeletequery_assign(self, argv): parts = argv[0].split('/') ifindex = str((int(parts[0])-1) * 100000 + int(parts[1]) * 1000 + int(parts[2])) self.mibdeletequery(['vpaTable', 'vpaIfIndex:' + ifindex, 'vpaVlanNumber:' + argv[1]]) def otputquery_assign(self, argv): self.mibputquery(['vpaTable', 'vpaIfIndex:' + self.pack('vpaIfIndex', argv[0]), 'vpaVlanNumber:' + argv[1], 'vpaType:' + self.pack('vpaType', argv[2])]) def otgetquery_assign(self, argv): self.mibgetquery(['vpaTable', 'vpaIfIndex', 'vpaVlanNumber', 'vpaType'], None, self.beautify) # ONETOUCH PORT CONFIGURATION # def otgetquery_speed(self, argv): self.mibgetquery(['esmConfTable', 'ifIndex', 'esmPortAdminStatus', 'esmPortAutoSpeed', 'esmPortAutoDuplexMode', 'esmPortCfgSpeed', 'esmPortCfgDuplexMode'], None, self.beautify) def otpostquery_speed(self, argv): self.mibpostquery(['esmConfTable', 'ifIndex:' + self.pack('ifIndex', argv[0]), 'esmPortCfgSpeed:' + self.pack('esmPortCfgSpeed', argv[1]), 'esmPortCfgDuplexMode:' + self.pack('esmPortCfgDuplexMode', argv[2])]) # ONETOUCH LINK AGGREGATION # def otgetquery_linkagg(self, argv): self.mibgetquery(['alclnkaggAggTable', 'alclnkaggAggIndex', 'alclnkaggAggNumber', 'alclnkaggAggLacpType', 'alclnkaggAggSize', 'alclnkaggAggPortSelectionHash', 'alclnkaggAggAdminState', 'alclnkaggAggName', 'alclnkaggAggOperState', 'alclnkaggAggNbrSelectedPorts', 'alclnkaggAggNbrAttachedPorts', 'alclnkaggAggPrimaryPortIndex'], None, self.beautify) def otputquery_linkagg(self, argv): lacp_type = self.pack('alclnkaggAggLacpType', argv[3]) if int(lacp_type) == 1: # 'LACP' extra = ['alclnkaggAggActorAdminKey:' + argv[6], 'alclnkaggAggActorSystemPriority:' + argv[7], 'alclnkaggAggActorSystemID:' + argv[8], 'alclnkaggAggPartnerAdminKey:' + argv[9], 'alclnkaggAggPartnerSystemPriority:' + argv[10], 'alclnkaggAggPartnerSystemID:' + argv[11]] else: extra = [] coll = ['alclnkaggAggTable', 'alclnkaggAggIndex:' + self.pack('alclnkaggAggIndex', argv[0]), 'alclnkaggAggName:' + argv[1], 'alclnkaggAggSize:' + str(argv[2]), 'alclnkaggAggLacpType:' + lacp_type, 'alclnkaggAggMcLagType:0', 'alclnkaggAggPortSelectionHash:' + self.pack('alclnkaggAggPortSelectionHash', argv[4]), 'alclnkaggAggAdminState:' + self.pack('alclnkaggAggAdminState', argv[5])] + extra self.mibputquery(coll) def otpostquery_linkagg(self, argv): self.mibpostquery(['alclnkaggAggTable', 'alclnkaggAggIndex:' + self.pack('alclnkaggAggIndex', argv[0]), argv[1] + ':' + self.pack(argv[1], argv[2])]) def otdeletequery_linkagg(self, argv): self.mibdeletequery(['alclnkaggAggTable', 'alclnkaggAggIndex:' + self.pack('alclnkaggAggIndex', argv[0])]) # ONETOUCH PORT/LINK AGGREGATION # def otgetquery_portagg(self, argv): self.mibgetquery(['alclnkaggAggPortTable', 'alclnkaggAggPortIndex', 'alclnkaggAggPortSelectedAggNumber', 'alclnkaggAggPortOperState', 'alclnkaggAggPortState', 'alclnkaggAggPortLinkState', 'alclnkaggAggPortPrimary'], None, self.beautify) def otputquery_portagg(self, argv): self.mibputquery(['alclnkaggAggPortTable', 'alclnkaggAggPortIndex:' + self.pack('alclnkaggAggPortIndex', argv[0]), 'alclnkaggAggPortSelectedAggNumber:' + argv[1], 'alclnkaggAggPortLacpType:0']) def otdeletequery_portagg(self, argv): self.mibdeletequery(['alclnkaggAggPortTable', 'alclnkaggAggPortIndex:' + self.pack('alclnkaggAggPortIndex', argv[0])]) # ONETOUCH STATISTICS: TRAFFIC # def otgetquery_traffic(self, argv): self.mibgetquery(['ifXTable', 'ifIndex', 'ifHCInOctets', 'ifHCInUcastPkts', 'ifHCInMulticastPkts', 'ifHCInBroadcastPkts', 'ifHCOutOctets', 'ifHCOutUcastPkts', 'ifHCOutMulticastPkts', 'ifHCOutBroadcastPkts'], None, self.beautify) # ONETOUCH IP INTERFACES # def otdeletequery_interface(self, argv): self.mibdeletequery(['alaIpItfConfigTable', 'alaIpItfConfigName:' + argv[0]]) def otpostquery_interface(self, argv): self.mibpostquery(['alaIpInterfaceTable', 'ifIndex:' + argv[0], argv[1] + ':' + argv[2]]) def otputquery_interface(self, argv): try: api = AOSAPI(AOSConnection(self.config['username'], self.config['password'], self.config['server'], self.config['secure'], self.config['obeyproxy'], self.config['prettylinks'], self.config['port'], AOSHeaders(self.config), self.config['linger'], self.config['debug'])) api.login() print "Authenticated..." # 1- Create interface results = api.put('mib', 'alaIpItfConfigTable', {'mibObject0': 'alaIpItfConfigIfIndex:0', 'mibObject1': 'alaIpItfConfigName:' + argv[0]})['result'] if api.diag() == 200: # 2- Retrieve new index results = api.query('mib', 'alaIpItfConfigTable', {'mibObject0': 'alaIpItfConfigName', 'mibObject1': 'alaIpItfConfigIfIndex'})['result'] if api.diag() == 200: oid = filter(lambda k: results['data']['rows'][k]['alaIpItfConfigName'] == argv[0], results['data']['rows']) if len(oid) == 1: idx = results['data']['rows'][oid[0]]['alaIpItfConfigIfIndex'] # 3- Use index to update with other arguments # alaIpInterfaceAddress | alaIpInterfaceMask results = api.post('mib', 'alaIpInterfaceTable', {'mibObject0': 'ifIndex:' + idx, 'mibObject1': 'alaIpInterfaceAddress:' + argv[1], 'mibObject2': 'alaIpInterfaceMask:' + argv[2], 'mibObject3': 'alaIpInterfaceVlanID:' + argv[3]})['result'] if api.diag() != 200: self.printerrors(api.diag(), results['error']) else: print "Success." else: self.printerrors(api.diag(), results['error']) api.logout() except urllib2.HTTPError, e: api.logout() self.printerrors(e.code, e.msg) def otgetquery_interface(self, argv): self.mibgetquery(['alaIpInterfaceTable', 'ifIndex', 'alaIpInterfaceName', 'alaIpInterfaceAddress', 'alaIpInterfaceMask', 'alaIpInterfaceVlanID']) # ONETOUCH DEVICE STATUS # # snmpwalk -Os -M snmp/mibs -m all -CI -c public -v 1 chasChassisTable # do not forget to run sim as: ./simulation.rb OS10K cfra A B 2 C48 4 X32 def otgetquery_status(self, argv): try: api = AOSAPI(AOSConnection(self.config['username'], self.config['password'], self.config['server'], self.config['secure'], self.config['obeyproxy'], self.config['prettylinks'], self.config['port'], AOSHeaders(self.config), self.config['linger'], self.config['debug'])) api.login() print "Authenticated..." chas_results = api.query('mib', 'chasChassisTable', {'mibObject0': 'chasPrimaryPhysicalIndex'})['result'] if api.diag() == 200: primary_chassis = '65' for row in chas_results['data']['rows'].values(): primary_chassis = str(row['chasPrimaryPhysicalIndex']) sync_results = api.query('mib', 'chasControlModuleTable', {'mibObject0': 'chasControlCertifyStatus', 'mibObject1': 'chasControlSynchronizationStatus', 'startIndex': primary_chassis, 'limit': '1'})['result'] if api.diag() == 200: sync_certify = self.beautify('chasControlCertifyStatus', sync_results['data']['rows'][primary_chassis]['chasControlCertifyStatus']) sync_syncd = self.beautify('chasControlSynchronizationStatus', sync_results['data']['rows'][primary_chassis]['chasControlSynchronizationStatus']) else: sync_certify = 'unknown' sync_syncd = 'unknown' health_results = api.query('mib', 'healthModuleTable', {'mibObject0': 'healthModuleSlot', 'mibObject1': 'healthModuleCpu1MinAvg', 'mibObject2': 'healthModuleCpu1HrAvg', 'mibObject3': 'healthModuleCpu1DayAvg', 'mibObject4': 'healthModuleMemory1MinAvg', 'mibObject5': 'healthModuleMemory1HrAvg', 'mibObject6': 'healthModuleMemory1DayAvg'})['result'] if api.diag() == 200: phys_results = api.query('mib', 'chasEntPhysicalTable', {'mibObject0': 'chasEntPhysAdminStatus', 'mibObject1': 'chasEntPhysOperStatus', 'mibObject2': 'chasEntPhysModuleType', 'mibObject3': 'chasEntPhysUbootRev'})['result'] if api.diag() == 200: print "Active CMM (%s)\n--------------" % chr(int(primary_chassis)) if phys_results['data']['rows'].get(primary_chassis) is not None: print "Admin: [%s] Operational: [%s] Config: [%s] Redundancy: [%s]" % ( self.beautify('chasEntPhysAdminStatus', phys_results['data']['rows'][primary_chassis]['chasEntPhysAdminStatus']), self.beautify('chasEntPhysOperStatus', phys_results['data']['rows'][primary_chassis]['chasEntPhysOperStatus']), sync_certify, sync_syncd) # seems like this table, when only 1 CMM is present, is just empty. if isinstance(health_results['data'], dict): if isinstance(health_results['data']['rows'], list): typed_idx = 0 else: typed_idx = '0' try: print "CPU: %s%% (1 min), %s%% (1 hr), %s%% (1 day)" % ( health_results['data']['rows'][typed_idx]['healthModuleCpu1MinAvg'], health_results['data']['rows'][typed_idx]['healthModuleCpu1HrAvg'], health_results['data']['rows'][typed_idx]['healthModuleCpu1DayAvg']) print "RAM: %s%% (1 min), %s%% (1 hr), %s%% (1 day)" % ( health_results['data']['rows'][typed_idx]['healthModuleMemory1MinAvg'], health_results['data']['rows'][typed_idx]['healthModuleMemory1HrAvg'], health_results['data']['rows'][typed_idx]['healthModuleMemory1DayAvg']) except KeyError, e: pass for ni_ctr in range(1, 16): ni_str = str(ni_ctr) if isinstance(health_results['data'], dict): health_result = None try: if isinstance(health_results['data']['rows'], dict) and health_results['data']['rows'].get(ni_str) is not None: health_result = health_results['data']['rows'][ni_str] elif isinstance(health_results['data']['rows'], list) and health_results['data']['rows'][ni_ctr]: health_result = health_results['data']['rows'][ni_ctr] except: pass if health_result is not None: print "\nNI #%s\n------" % ni_str if phys_results['data']['rows'].get(ni_str) is not None: print "UBoot: %s Admin: [%s] Operational: [%s]" % ( phys_results['data']['rows'][ni_str]['chasEntPhysUbootRev'], self.beautify('chasEntPhysAdminStatus', phys_results['data']['rows'][ni_str]['chasEntPhysAdminStatus']), self.beautify('chasEntPhysOperStatus', phys_results['data']['rows'][ni_str]['chasEntPhysOperStatus'])) print "CPU: %s%% (1 min), %s%% (1 hr), %s%% (1 day)" % ( health_result['healthModuleCpu1MinAvg'], health_result['healthModuleCpu1HrAvg'], health_result['healthModuleCpu1DayAvg']) print "RAM: %s%% (1 min), %s%% (1 hr), %s%% (1 day)" % ( health_result['healthModuleMemory1MinAvg'], health_result['healthModuleMemory1HrAvg'], health_result['healthModuleMemory1DayAvg']) else: self.printerrors(api.diag(), phys_results['error']) else: self.printerrors(api.diag(), health_results['error']) else: self.printerrors(api.diag(), chas_results['error']) api.logout() except urllib2.HTTPError, e: api.logout() self.printerrors(e.code, e.msg) # ONETOUCH DEVICE CONFIGURATION # def otgetquery_configuration(self, argv): try: api = AOSAPI(AOSConnection(self.config['username'], self.config['password'], self.config['server'], self.config['secure'], self.config['obeyproxy'], self.config['prettylinks'], self.config['port'], AOSHeaders(self.config), self.config['linger'], self.config['debug'])) self.cliquery(["show configuration snapshot"]) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: self.printerrors(e.code, e.msg) def mibquery(self, argv, api=None): try: if self.config.get('modify'): self.mibpostquery(argv, api) elif self.config.get('create'): self.mibputquery(argv, api) elif self.config.get('delete'): self.mibdeletequery(argv, api) else: self.mibgetquery(argv, api) except: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() if self.config.get('debug'): print "---------------------------------------------------------\nException: %s\nTraceback follows:" % exc_value traceback.print_tb(exc_traceback, limit=100, file=sys.stdout) print "---------------------------------------------------------" else: raise def mibputquery(self, argv, api=None): managed_api = (api is not None) items = dict([('mibObject'+str(i-1),argv[i]) for i in range(1,len(argv))]) mibTable = argv[0] try: if not managed_api: api = AOSAPI(AOSConnection(self.config['username'], self.config['password'], self.config['server'], self.config['secure'], self.config['obeyproxy'], self.config['prettylinks'], self.config['port'], AOSHeaders(self.config), self.config['linger'], self.config['debug'])) api.login() print "Authenticated..." results = api.put('mib', mibTable, items)['result'] if api.diag() == 200: print "Success." else: self.printerrors(api.diag(), results['error']) if not managed_api: api.logout() except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if not managed_api: api.logout() self.printerrors(e.code, e.msg) def mibdeletequery(self, argv, api=None): managed_api = (api is not None) items = dict([('mibObject'+str(i-1),argv[i]) for i in range(1,len(argv))]) mibTable = argv[0] try: if not managed_api: api = AOSAPI(AOSConnection(self.config['username'], self.config['password'], self.config['server'], self.config['secure'], self.config['obeyproxy'], self.config['prettylinks'], self.config['port'], AOSHeaders(self.config), self.config['linger'], self.config['debug'])) api.login() print "Authenticated..." results = api.delete('mib', mibTable, items)['result'] if api.diag() == 200: print "Success." else: self.printerrors(api.diag(), results['error']) if not managed_api: api.logout() except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if not managed_api: api.logout() self.printerrors(e.code, e.msg) def mibpostquery(self, argv, api=None): managed_api = (api is not None) items = dict([('mibObject'+str(i-1),argv[i]) for i in range(1,len(argv))]) mibTable = argv[0] try: if not managed_api: api = AOSAPI(AOSConnection(self.config['username'], self.config['password'], self.config['server'], self.config['secure'], self.config['obeyproxy'], self.config['prettylinks'], self.config['port'], AOSHeaders(self.config), self.config['linger'], self.config['debug'])) api.login() print "Authenticated..." results = api.post('mib', mibTable, items)['result'] if api.diag() == 200: print "Success." else: self.printerrors(api.diag(), results['error']) if not managed_api: api.logout() except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if not managed_api: api.logout() self.printerrors(e.code, e.msg) def mibgetquery(self, argv, api=None, callback=None): managed_api = (api is not None) items = dict([('mibObject'+str(i-1),argv[i]) for i in range(1,len(argv))]) mibTable = argv[0] # if self.config.get('startindex'): items['startIndex'] = self.config['startindex'] if self.config.get('limit'): items['limit'] = self.config['limit'] #if self.config.get('scalar'): #items['scalar'] = 'true' domain = ('mib', 'info')[self.config.get('info') == True] # try: if not managed_api: api = AOSAPI(AOSConnection(self.config['username'], self.config['password'], self.config['server'], self.config['secure'], self.config['obeyproxy'], self.config['prettylinks'], self.config['port'], AOSHeaders(self.config), self.config['linger'], self.config['debug'])) api.login() print "Authenticated..." results = api.query(domain, mibTable, items)['result'] if api.diag() == 200: if results['domain'] == 'info': print " Object: %s" % results['data']['table'] print " Type: %s" % results['data']['type'] if results['data'].get('rowstatus'): print "row status column: %s" % results['data']['rowstatus'] if results['data'].get('firstobject'): print " first non index: %s" % results['data']['firstobject'] elif len(results['data']) == 0: print "No results." else: # todo check result instead if len(items)== 0 or items.get('scalar'): print "\nDisplaying value:\n-----------------------------------------" for k,v in results['data']['rows'].iteritems(): print k + ': ' + v print "-----------------------------------------" else: if pretty_tables: table = PrettyTable(list(self.lname(clean_names) for clean_names in sorted([items[colname] for colname in items if colname[:9] == 'mibObject']))) table.align = 'r' for idx in results['data']['rows']: if callback is None: table.add_row([v for k,v in sorted(results['data']['rows'][idx].items())]) else: table.add_row([callback(k,v) for k,v in sorted(results['data']['rows'][idx].items())]) print table else: print "\nListing objects:\n-----------------------------------------" for idx in results['data']['rows']: for k,v in results['data']['rows'][idx].iteritems(): print k + ': ' + v, print print "-----------------------------------------" else: self.printerrors(api.diag(), results['error']) if not managed_api: api.logout() except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if not managed_api: api.logout() self.printerrors(e.code, e.msg) def cliquery(self, argv, api=None): if len(argv) > 1: self.usage("Too many arguments for CLI domain.") else: managed_api = (api is not None) try: if not managed_api: api = AOSAPI(AOSConnection(self.config['username'], self.config['password'], self.config['server'], self.config['secure'], self.config['obeyproxy'], self.config['prettylinks'], self.config['port'], AOSHeaders(self.config), self.config['linger'], self.config['debug'])) api.login() print "Authenticated..." items = {'cmd':argv[0]} results = api.query('cli', 'aos', items)['result'] if api.diag() == 200: print "Command \"%s\": Success\n%s" % (results['cmd'], results['output']) else: self.printerrors(api.diag(), results['error']) if not managed_api: api.logout() except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if not managed_api: api.logout() self.printerrors(e.code, e.msg) # UTILS # def beautify(self, name, value): if self.config.get('debug'): beautified = value elif name in ['ifIndex', 'vpaIfIndex', 'alclnkaggAggPortIndex']: beautified = str(int(value)/100000+1) + '/' + str(int(value)%100000/1000) +'/' + str(int(value)%100000%1000) elif name in ['esmPortAdminStatus', 'alclnkaggAggAdminState']: beautified = ('unknown', 'enabled', 'disabled')[int(value)] elif name in ['alclnkaggAggPortLinkState']: beautified = ('unknown', 'up', 'down')[int(value)] elif name in ['alclnkaggAggPortState']: beautified = ('unknown', 'created', 'configurable', 'configured', 'selected', 'reserved', 'attached')[int(value)] elif name in ['alclnkaggAggPortOperState']: beautified = ('unknown', 'up' ,'down', 'not attached', 'not aggregable')[int(value)] elif name in ['esmPortAutoSpeed', 'esmPortCfgSpeed']: beautified = ('unknown', '100', '10', 'auto', 'unknown', '1000', '10000', '40000', 'max 100', 'max 1000')[int(value)] elif name in ['esmPortAutoDuplexMode', 'esmPortCfgDuplexMode']: beautified = ('unknown', 'full', 'half', 'auto', 'unknown')[int(value)] elif name in ['vpaType']: beautified = ('invalid', 'cfgDefault', 'qTagged', 'dynamic', 'vstkDoubleTag', 'vstkTranslate', 'forbidden')[int(value)] elif name in ['alclnkaggAggLacpType']: beautified = ('static', 'LACP')[int(value)] elif name in ['alclnkaggAggPortSelectionHash']: beautified = ('?', 'source mac', 'destination mac', 'source+destination mac', 'source ip', 'destination ip', 'source+destination ip', 'tunnel protocol')[int(value)] elif name in ['chasEntPhysAdminStatus']: beautified = ('unknown', 'unknown', 'no power', 'powered up', 'reset', 'secondary takeover', 'reset whole switch', 'standby', 'reset with fabric', 'take over with fabric', 'VC takeover', 'reset whole VC')[int(value)] elif name in ['chasEntPhysOperStatus']: beautified = ('unknown', 'powered up', 'down', 'testing', 'unknown', 'secondary', 'not present', 'down', 'master', 'idle', 'power save')[int(value)] elif name in ['chasControlCertifyStatus']: beautified = ('unknown', 'unknown', 'need certify', 'certified')[int(value)] elif name in ['chasControlSynchronizationStatus']: beautified = ('unknown', 'unknown', 'only module', 'not synchronized', 'synchronized')[int(value)] else: beautified = value return beautified def pack(self, name, value): if name in ['ifIndex', 'vpaIfIndex', 'alclnkaggAggPortIndex']: parts = value.split('/') packed = str((int(parts[0])-1) * 100000 + int(parts[1]) * 1000 + int(parts[2])) elif name in ['alclnkaggAggIndex']: packed = str(40000000 + int(value)) elif name in ['alclnkaggAggAdminState']: packed = str({'enable':1, 'disable':2}[value]) elif name in ['vpaType']: packed = ('1', '2')[value == 'tagged'] elif name in ['esmPortCfgSpeed']: packed = str({'auto':3, '10':2, '100':1, '1000':5, 'max100':8, 'max1000':9}[value]) elif name in ['esmPortAutoDuplexMode', 'esmPortCfgDuplexMode']: packed = str({'auto':3, 'half':2, 'full':1}[value]) elif name in ['alclnkaggAggLacpType']: packed = str({'static':0, 'LACP':1}[value]) elif name in ['alclnkaggAggPortSelectionHash']: packed = str({'source-mac':1, 'destination-mac':2, 'source+destination-mac':3, 'source-ip':4, 'destination-ip':5, 'source+destination-ip':6, 'tunnel-protocol':7}[value]) else: packed = value return packed def lname(self, src_name): if self.config.get('debug'): return src_name else: return ' '.join(re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1 \2', src_name).split()[-2:]) if __name__ == "__main__": config = { 'username': 'admin', 'password': 'switch', 'server': '', 'port': '-1' } try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv, 'u:p:s:', ['username=', 'password=', 'server=', 'startindex=', 'limit=', 'vrf=', 'modify', 'create', 'delete', 'info', AOSAPI.ENC_ALT, 'noproxy', 'noprettylinks', 'port=', 'nossl', 'sim', 'linger=', 'debug']) except getopt.GetoptError, err: print str(err) WSConsumer([], []) sys.exit(1) hasMIBArg = False for o, v in opts: if o in ('-u', '--username'): config['username'] = v elif o in ('-p', '--password'): config['password'] = v elif o in ('-s', '--server'): config['server'] = v elif o == '--startindex': hasMIBArg = True config['startindex'] = v elif o == '--limit': hasMIBArg = True config['limit'] = v elif o == '--vrf': hasMIBArg = True config['vrf'] = v #elif o == '--scalar': #hasMIBArg = True #config['scalar'] = True elif o == '--modify': hasMIBArg = True config['modify'] = True elif o == '--create': hasMIBArg = True config['create'] = True elif o == '--delete': hasMIBArg = True config['delete'] = True elif o == '--info': hasMIBArg = True config['info'] = True elif o == '--%s' % AOSAPI.ENC_ALT: config[AOSAPI.ENC_ALT] = True elif o == '--noproxy': config['obeyproxy'] = False elif o == '--noprettylinks': config['prettylinks'] = False elif o == '--port': config['port'] = v elif o == '--nossl': config['secure'] = False elif o == '--sim': config['server'] = '' config['port'] = '5000' config['secure'] = False config['obeyproxy'] = False elif o == '--linger': config['linger'] = v elif o == '--debug': config['debug'] = True if len(args) > 1 and args[1] == 'cli' and hasMIBArg: print "Wrong options for cli method." WSConsumer([], []) sys.exit(1) c = WSConsumer(config, args)